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The Tortilla Curtain By T Coraghessan Boyle Jack

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1 Forumsbeiträge zum Thema The Tortilla Curtain By T Coraghessan Boyle Jack:

In the text "The Tortilla Curtain" By T. Coraghessan Boyle Jack is of the opinion that illegal immigrants are useless and that immigrants cost a lot of money. He said that the US accepted more immigrants than all the other countries of the world combined. Thus, he thinks that times have changed and the "boat" is full and also immigrants cause crime..
Um die passende kostenlose Hausaufgabe oder Referate über The Tortilla Curtain By T Coraghessan Boyle Jack zu finden, musst du eventuell verschiedene Suchanfragen probieren. Generell ist es am sinnvollsten z.B. nach dem Autor eines Buches zu suchen und dem Titel des Werkes, wenn du die Interpretation suchst!