I m NOT racist but it s true
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0 Dokumente und 2 Forumsbeiträge0 Dokumente zum Thema I m NOT racist but it s true:
2 Forumsbeiträge zum Thema I m NOT racist but it s true:
Martin Luther King
Before more than 40 years a black american man had a dream. He dreamed of a world, where all the people have the same rights, unabhängig von ihrer Hautfarbe oder Religion: Martin Luther King.
1.Who was Martin Luther King?
Martin Luther King was an American Baptist minister and civil rights.
-He was born on 15 January ..
You call me "Cracker", "Honkey", "Whitey", "Gringo" and you think it`s OK.
...But when I call you Kike, sand nigger, rag head ,Towelhead, WOP, Camel Jockey, Gook, nigger, slant eyes or Chink you call me a racist.
-You say that whites commit a lot of violence against you, so why are the ghettos the most dangerous places to live?
-You have t..