Hornby Nick Slam Entwurf bitte korrigieren
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0 Dokumente und 1 Forumsbeiträge0 Dokumente zum Thema Hornby Nick Slam Entwurf bitte korrigieren:
1 Forumsbeiträge zum Thema Hornby Nick Slam Entwurf bitte korrigieren:
Hallo das Thema war wie geht der Sam mit der Vaterschaft um.
The Book "Slam" written by Nick Hornby in 2007 is about a boycalled Sam who had a girlfriend named Alicia that was pregnant.
Samis 15 near 16 year old and live alone with his mum. Alicia is 16 years old and live in a big house with her parents. Sam broke up the contact with Alicia be..