Bernhard Mac Laverty
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1 Dokumente und 0 Forumsbeiträge1 Dokumente zum Thema Bernhard Mac Laverty:
Ein sehr ausführliches Referat über das Buch "Cal" von Bernhard Mac Laverty.
- Biographie
- Charakterisierung der Hauptfiguren (Crilly, Finbar Skeffington, Marcella Morton, Cyril Dunlop
- Summaries of the chapters
- Symbolism ( Events, places, happenings which show the violence in Northern Ireland)
- Cal’s involvement in the movement
- Cal is caught by the British army
- Development of the relationship between Marcella and Cal
- Marcella’s thoughts about Ireland, the Irish people, her husband
- Differences between film and book (4754 Wörter)