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Kann das mal bitte jemand kontrolliern?wär voll nett:-)

Frage: Kann das mal bitte jemand kontrolliern?wär voll nett:-)
(5 Antworten)

I have read this book, because we would deal with in our german lessons in a few days.
I like this book, because its suspense- packed right from the beginning and I couldn’t stops reading.
Most, I like the sad end. I think authors write to much stories with a Happy- End. If Lucas would lives happy together with Caitlin of this island and everything will have a good end, would it be boring. But in this book, Lucas died.
The next reason is that the author describes very exact, how the main character Caitlin McCann feels and this situation and I can put me in Caitlin’s place.
The weather and the landscape where the story take place is my favourite: rainy days, the beautiful beach and the mud flats.
GAST stellte diese Frage am 22.02.2008 - 17:47

Beiträge 6489
Antwort von Peter | 22.02.2008 - 17:54
I read this book, because we are going to talk about it in our german lessons in a few days.
I like this book, because its suspense- packed [weiß ich nicht^^] right from the beginning and I couldn’t stop reading.
I nearly like the whole book, apart from the sad end. I think too much stories have a Happy- End. If Lucas would live happy together with Caitlin on this island and everything will have a good end, it would be boring. But in this book, Lucas died.
The next reason is that the author describes very exact, how the main character Caitlin McCann feels and this situation[?] and I can identify with Caitlin.
The weather and the landscape in this story are my favourite one`s: rainy days, the beautiful beach and the mud flats.
________________________ - Team

Beiträge 6489
Antwort von Peter | 22.02.2008 - 17:54
bin jetzt aber nicht so der englisch-überflieger;)
________________________ - Team

Antwort von GAST | 22.02.2008 - 17:58
I have read this book, because we will go through it in our german lessons in a few days.
I like this book, because its suspense- packed right from the beginning and I couldn’t stops reading. Most, I like the sad end because I think authors write to much stories with an Happy- End. If Lucas had lived happy together with Caitlin of this island and everything had had a good end, it would has been boring. But in this book, Lucas died.
The next reason is that the author describes very exact, how the main character Caitlin McCann feels and her situation and I can put me in Caitlin’s place.
The weather and the landscape where the story take place is my favourite weather: rainy days, the beautiful beach and the mud flats.

naja hab mal paar sachen verbessert ( ich hoff richtig =o)

Antwort von GAST | 22.02.2008 - 18:00
du hast es ja gelesen, also past

I read this book, because we are going to deal with it in our german lessons in a few days. I like (reading) this book, because its suspense packes oneself right from the beginning and I couldn’t stop reading it. Most, I like the sad end. I think the authors write to many stories with a Happy- End.

If Lucas lived happy together with Caitlin of this island and if everything ended happily, it would be boring. But in this book, Lucas dies. Another reason is, that the author describes very exact, how the main character Caitlin McCann feels and how her situation looks like. I can put me in Caitlin’s place. [I can identify me with her]

The weather and the landscape where the story take place is my favourite: rainy days, the beautiful beach and the mud flats.

--> The love the rainy days in this book, and the beautiful landscape, the beach, where the story takes place.

Beiträge 6489
Antwort von Peter | 22.02.2008 - 18:01
[I can identify me with her]

ziemlich sicher ohne me;)
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