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Frage: englisch
(1 Antwort)

kann mir jemand hier helfen

it is understandable that europeans desire that we americans follow your example, including, as your leader of 22 april suggested, a ban on the private possession of firearms.
however, you may as well suggest that germans impose a ban on beer and reduce the autobahn speed to 100 kph.
it simply isn´t going to happen.
yes, those that favor gun control are a majority, but it is a lazy majority, unwilling to part with a few dollars a year to fight the more generous check-writers of the pro-gun minority.
when a series of limited (by European standards) gun-control laws were passed early in the clinton administration, we had a democratic congress and president plus a number of retiring representativeswho, having nothing to lose, voted according to theit conscience for the firs and only time. But that political balance died in 1994 after the gun lobby and theri supporters successfully punished the democrats in congress who passed those laws.
We Americans understand that gun control is not on the cards: therefore, we have to look at solutions that move beyond the instinct for restrictive legislation.

1)How does Mr Hirsch make the difficulties of banning private guns in the USA clear to Europeans?

2)What circumstances made it possible to pass some gun-control laws in the early 1990s?

3)why is gun control " not on the cards " in the usa?
GAST stellte diese Frage am 20.02.2008 - 18:06

Antwort von GAST | 20.02.2008 - 18:11
Sehe ich das richtig, dass du möchtest, dass dir jemand die Aufgabe löst & du nichts dafür tun musst? Weit gefehlt mein Freund!

Wenn du ein Bisschen Eigeninitiative zeigst, helfe ich dir gerne. (Wenn du was nicht verstehst sag bescheid, ich korrigiere auch hinterher gerne.)
Für mich hat heute schließlich auch niemand 4h Englisch-LK-Klausur geschrieben. ;P

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