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Kurze Korrektur

Frage: Kurze Korrektur
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ich habe hier eine Art Thesenblatt, was ich für ein Referat im Fach Englisch/Erdkunde halten werde, geschrieben.
Könnte da jemand bitte die Stichpunkte durchlesen und schauen, ob da sprachliche Fehler drin sind? Vielen Dank im Vorraus!

El Niño
Normal Conditions in Western Latin America :
The trade winds blow towards the west across the tropical Pacific
These winds pile up warm surface water in the west Pacific, so that the sea surface is about 1/2 meter higher at Indonesia (28°C) than at Peru (24°C)
Because of the warm water in the west Pacific more rainfall can be found there
The Humboldt-Current causes a buoyancy of cold, nutrient-rich water from the deeper parts of the ocean
This water creates good living conditions for many kinds of fish
Conditions during El Niño:
El Niño is an abnormal warming of surface ocean waters in the eastern tropical Pacific
It decreases and then reverses the effect of the Humboldt-Current (and of the Walker Circulation)
As a consequence the temperature of the water at the coast of Peru rises up to 28 °C
This unnormal warmth of the water stops the nutrient influx from the deep ocean levels
There are widespread deaths of fish, marine birds and corals (no nutrients --> no plancton -->
no fish--> no work for the fishermen)
The warmth at the west Pacific coast increases the precipition which leads to fatal floodings
In the tropical rainforest in the inner parts of South America it is very dry
El Niño`s history:
It was first notices in 1726
The heaviest succesions were in 1983 and 1997 when the temperatures were 7°C over the average La Niña :
Is is the opponent of El Niño
It increases the effect of the trade winds
It causes cold currents in the equatorial Pacific, low pressure areas in Indonesia and droughts in Peru
Additional Information:
El Niño is the spanish word for Christ Child; the reason for the name is that the El Niño is usually noticed around Christmas Time
It appears in at intervals between 3 to 8 years
Meanwhile scientists can do imprecise prognoses when the next El Niño is; they analyse anomalies of air pressure in the south Pacific
There is an phenomenon called Southern Oscillation which is a name for the anomalies of air pressure and precipitation during El Niño; because of that you often hear the abridgement ENSO (which stands for El Niño/Southern Oscillation)
GAST stellte diese Frage am 14.01.2008 - 14:22

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