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Hausaufgabe korrektur lesen

Frage: Hausaufgabe korrektur lesen
(1 Antwort)

hey ich hab hier eine hausaufagbe, es wäre nett wenn die jemand korrektur lesen könnte ...weiß nämlich nicht ob die zeitlich und so richtig ist....wäre super lieb
Hier der Text:

A child with parents living in separation shows different symptoms.
It begins with feeling sad and being confused, caused of the unknown situation.
Maybe it could be feeling of having been deserted by its parents, who? are distract from the separation.
It could be that the child has to decide between mother and father and thereby has to move into a different environment.
In the worst case the child suffers from a deep trauma and mutism.
The symptoms of trauma are to feel worry about dying at an early age, to lose interests in activities, to show more sudden and extreme emotional reactions, to fall into behaviors like a younger child, to show increased alertness to the environment and of course physical symptoms like headaches and stomachaches. An introverted behavior and an eating disorder are not excluded.
In fact of the symptoms the social behavior is changing and the school performance is getting weaker. The child will be unable to trust other people and couldn’t show stability of relationship.
For that reason parents have to think about the way to explain the separation to the child and how to support it.

danke schonmal
GAST stellte diese Frage am 07.01.2008 - 16:35

Antwort von GAST | 09.02.2008 - 22:18
to lose interests in activities,

du musst da to loose schreiben da du ´´to´´ wegen to+infinitiv
´´to fall into behaviors like a younger child´´
besser: to fall into a childish behaviour
aber sonst ist doch eigentlich alles gut...

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