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Englisch profis gesucht!

Frage: Englisch profis gesucht!
(12 Antworten)

Hallo Leute,
Ich brauch mal wieder jemanden der meinen Englisch text durchschaut & korrigiert, als belohnung gibts 10 credits.

Dann danke schon mal & man schreibt sich!

To become a Soldier?

Selene came from school and she had big news for her mother.
She opened the door and went to the kitchen where her mom with a cigarette sat.

Selene: Hey Mom!
Mom: Hi Honey!
Selene: What’s up mom? Why do you look so sad?
Mom: Well, when I go to the work today my boss told me that I must sleep with him or he would dismiss (feuern/ entlassen) me from my job.
Selene: What?
Mom: Yes, he said it. But I said that I have a daughter, a family and a life. He didn’t understand what I mean. He looked at me like a little squirrel.
Selene: And what happened next?
Mom: I told him that I won’t sleep with him and that I would go now. He said that I’m dismissed. So I went at home 1 hour ago.
Selene: Oh, Mom…. I’m so sorry.
Mom: It’s okay Honey.

A little tear run through Moms face.

Selene: Oh, Mom… please don’t cry. There will be better times not like these days.

Mom wiped the tear from her face.

Mom: Okay…

Mom smiled a little bit to Selene.

Mom: What do you want to eat?
Selene: Lasagne. Yeah… I want to eat Lasagne.
Mom: Okay. I make a Lasagne for you.
Selene: Thank you Mom.
Mom: So, what was your day like? Are there any news which I must know?
Selene: Yes, Mom. Today was Occupational consultation. The teacher and some other persons showed us some jobs like pilot, teacher, soldier, strip dancer, moderator and so on.
Mom: Really? So what do you want to become later? A Pilot?
Selene: No, I don’t want to become a pilot. I want to go to the army and become a soldier.

Mom started to laugh loudly, thus as Selene have meant it ironically.

Mom: Hihi… You’re so funny…
Selene: Do you not believe me? I’m serious.
Mom: Are you kidding me?
Selene: No.
Mom: You want to become a soldier?
Selene: Yes.
Mom: Are you serious? Do you know how dangerous this job is?
Selene: Yes, I know it mom and I want to become a soldier.
Mom: But that’s not a job for a like like you!
Selene: A girl like me? What do you mean?
Mom: You are so lovely and cute.
Selene: Lovely and cute? Okay mom, I want to become a soldier because I hate it, when people think that I’m so cute and polite. I hate it mom! I can’t look everyday in the mirror because I hate what I are. I hate that everybody loves me only why I’m pretty, rich and a cheerleader. I want that the people accept the real me.
Mom: Okay, but why don’t you leave the Cheerleaders?
Selene: Why should I do this? I like dancing and express myself. But that’s unimportant. I want to become a soldier, because I want to help people in other countries.
Mom: If you want to do something for your and for other countries then go to the politics.
Selene: I won’t go into politics because there is not enough personally contact and I’m not really interested in.
Mom: But you know that you lost your individuality because you must dress a uniform. So it means that you can’t show your own Style.
Selene: Yes, you’re right but so did I learn what it means to have discipline.
Mom: And discipline in one fact which you need for gun shooting, so I believe that’s not want to kill people or?
Selene: You’re right, I don’t want to kill a person but I need gun shooting also to patronize myself.
Mom: Okay, when you think so but nobody is indentures to be a soldier.
Selene: Yes, clearly. But I want to go voluntary to the army to study there and to make my drive license, because so did the state pay for these things.
Mom: The state pay for it? Is it that what you think, we have enough money and we don’t need the cash from the state.
Selene: I know, but I want to be independently.
Mom: I believe you waste the time of your life.
Selene: Why did I waste time of my life when I study by the army as a soldier?
Mom: You waste time because you can’t apply all these things which you learn there lately. And an other problem is that you neglect your family and your friends.
Selene: Okay Mom, that’s right but so did I find new friends who accept my really so than I are and not like the people now.
Mom: In addition we have so a good relationship and I believe that when you go it will be a stranger relationship like now. I don’t want to lose you, because you are my little Angel, my hope for future and we’ve made so many things all the years ago.
Selene: Oh mom, I love you and no distance could change this. But at first I must think of me and my future. So it’s very important to study by the army, to learn how I could survive in the wilds and to patronize myself or want you that Someone kill me?
Mom: No, but did you believe that you come every weekend at home? I don’t think so, because you must really often move (umziehen) in to other countries.
Selene: I know it mom and that’s okay but I want to find and control myself and you know, that when I don’t feel fine I come back at home.
Mom: Okay, I support you in all things that you want to do and if you have problem you could come or call to me every time and then I will help you.
Selene: You are the best mom of the world, I’m very proud about our decision.

Mom and Selene embrace another and all are happy.
GAST stellte diese Frage am 04.10.2007 - 18:25

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Antwort von pepsidose (ehem. Mitglied) | 04.10.2007 - 18:25
Alles richtig...
bekomm ich jetz die credits? xD

Antwort von GAST | 04.10.2007 - 18:26
frage was macht ihr grad bei der alten in Englisch
und das alles richtig ist bezweifel ich stark

Antwort von GAST | 04.10.2007 - 18:33
Zitat:Are there any news which I must know?
heisst das net: Are there any news what i should know?

Antwort von GAST | 04.10.2007 - 18:33
hallo, ich bin nicht der größte englisch profi, aber du springst mit den zeiten. Teilweise müsste das present progressiv und das simple past angewand werden wenn du in der gegenwart schreibst. denk auch daran, dass du die satzstellung nicht wie im deutschen übernehmen kannst...

Antwort von GAST | 04.10.2007 - 18:35
which ist richtig, schöner ist aber which i should oder which i have to ....

Antwort von GAST | 04.10.2007 - 18:35
man was müsst ihr schreiben? Hilfe unsere Englehrerin macht das net wenn hast nochma

Antwort von GAST | 04.10.2007 - 18:37
"big news" ....? das hört sich iwie komisch an, so wie ich das gelesen hab sind das ja schlechte neuigkeiten, von daher wür ich sagen
"bad news"

"when I went to work today"
"I had to sleep with him"
"he would dismiss me" (ohne das from my job)

so dann noch was allg.: undzwar solltest du nicht Mom schreiben, sonder "her mother" da bei a tear runs... und smiled

verbesserungsvorschlag: what do you want for supper (kling einfach besser^^)

"Don`t you believe me?"
"I hate who I am"

Antwort von GAST | 04.10.2007 - 18:43
da sind noch einige fehler drin...

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Antwort von Pinguin.Steffi (ehem. Mitglied) | 04.10.2007 - 18:46
She opened the door and went to the kitchen where her mom [u]sat with a cigarette [u].

Mom: Well, when I ->went<- to the work today my boss told me that I -->have to<- sleep with him or he would dismiss (feuern/ entlassen) me from my job.

Mom: Yes, he said it. But I said that I have a daughter, a family and a life. He didn’t understand what I ->meant<-.
He said that I’m dismissed. So I went ->back<- home 1 hour ago.

A little tear ->ran down the mothers face<-.

Mom: So, what was your day like? Are there any news which I ->need to<- know?

Mom: But that’s not a job for a ->girly<- like you!
I can’t look in the mirror ->everyday<- because I hate what I ->am<-. I hate that everybody loves me only ->because<- I’m pretty, rich and a cheerleader.

Selene: Why should I do this? I like dancing and ->expressing<- myself. But that’s unimportant. I want to become a soldier, because I want to help people in other countries.
Mom: If you want to do something for your and for other countries then go ->into<- the politics.

Selene: Yes, you’re right but -> that`s the way to learn<- what it means to have discipline.
Mom: And discipline ->is<- one fact which you need for gun shooting, so I believe that ->you don`t<- want to kill people or?
Selene: Yes, clearly. But I want to go voluntary to the army to study there and make my drive license, because so ->the state pays<-for these things.
Mom: The state ->pays<- for it?

Selene: Okay Mom, that’s right but so did I find new friends who accept ->me<- really ->like I am<-and not like the people now.

Selene: So it’s very important to study ->at<- the army, to learn how I ->can<- survive in the wilds and -><-patronize myself or ->do you want somebody to kill me?<-
Mom: No, but ->do<- you believe that you come ->home every weekend<-? I don’t think so, because you must move (umziehen) in to other countries ->really often<-.

Mom: Okay, I support you in all things that you want to do and if you have ->problems<- you ->can<- come or call -><- me every time and then I will help you.

Mom and Selene embrace another and all are happy.

so, das wären die Sachen die ich gefunden hab und dir raten würde sie zu verbessern. Ich hoffe ich konnte dir wenigstens etwas helfen!

Antwort von GAST | 04.10.2007 - 18:58
Selene came from school and had great news for her mother. She opened the door and went to the kitchen, where her mom was sitting with a cigarette.

Selene: Hey Mom!
Mom: Hi Honey!
Selene: What’s up mom? Why are you looking so sad?
Mom: Well, when I was at work today, my boss told me that I have to sleep with him when I still want to work in his firm.
Selene: What?
Mom: Yes, he said it. I answered that I have a daughter, a family and a life.(das mit dem leben würd ich lassen) He didn’t understand what I mean. He looked at me like a little squirrel. ?
Selene: And what happened next?
Mom: I told him that I am not going to sleep with him and that I am going to go now. He said that I’m dismissed. So I went at home 1 hour ago.
Selene: Oh, Mom…. I’m so sorry.
Mom: It’s okay Honey.

A little tear ran through her face.

Selene: Oh, Mom… please don’t cry. There will be better times not like these days.

Mom wiped the tear from her face.

Mom: Okay…

Mom smiled a little bit to Selene.

Mom: What do you want to eat?
Selene: Lasagne. Yeah… I want to eat Lasagne.
Mom: Okay. I am going to make a Lasagne for you.

mal grob überarbeitet
das wäre die vergangenheit aber das ist für deinen dialog ok

wenn du wirklich die genwart nutzen willst. musst du auch mit der gegenwart beginnen:

Selene comes .... and has... oder mit dem progressiv je nach inhalt...

Antwort von GAST | 04.10.2007 - 19:02
Are there any news which I must know?

-> Are there any news worth knowing/I should know?

Würde ich so abändern..

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Antwort von Subbie (ehem. Mitglied) | 04.10.2007 - 19:32
"Is there any news I should know" ist am richtigsten :P

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