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Frage: Englisch
(2 Antworten)

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Ich soll in Englisch diese Aufgabe bis Montag bearbeiten!
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Wäre nett!
Das ist die Aufgabe: Find good headlines for the five paragraphs in Textbook B1.
You can choose from these or find others: The expert´s view, More is better?, Say No, The coach´s advice, The result. (das sind die 5 überschriften, die ich zu einem text zu ordnen soll!)
Das ist der Text:
When he was fifteen years old, Alex joined his high school football team. Almost at once, he says, the coaches started talking to him about food supplements. They don´t really offer it to you, they more or less force you, he says. Alex says his coaches told him: You have to take this, or you´re not going to get any playing time. After using this you´ll be a more valuable player.(da habe ich die 4.erte überschrift gewählt: also the coach´s advice. ist das richtig?

zweiter abschnitt vom text:
As succeeding in their sport is so important to them, athletes often use anything that will help them. The NCAA says almost 60% of college athletes use food supplements. The Academy of Pediatrics says 44% of twelfth-grade athletes have used creatine- without thinking about the consequences. But these supplements may have side effects. For example, creatine may cause cramping, diarrhea, muscle injury and kidney problems. Kids have gotten much more interested in improving their bodies and athletic abilities. As a result, younger kids always want the newest things coming out on the market, says Dr. Jeff Emerson, a sports medicine internist.
(Da habe ich die überschrift: The expert´s view)
Alex started talking creatine as a freshman, and a month later he had his first kidney stone. Having a kidney stone is probably one of the most painful things in the world, he says.(da habe ich the result)
Abschnitt 4
While food supplements have helped many athletes become stronger, quite often they take too many them. It is easy for young athletes to believe that "more is better". Creatine is a substance produced naturally in the body- for example in the kidneys. By eating meat and fish more creatine is taken into the body. It is also avaiable at grocery stores, through mail-order and via the Internet. But it is possible to have too much of a good thing.(da habe ich die überschrift: More is better?)
Und der 5.te Abschnitt:
Even without trying, other members of your team are a lot of pressure, Aley says. When all your friends are for doing it, it´s hard to say no. But Alex has stopped taking food supplements. He prefers working hard for his sport. Since ending his creatine use, he knows it is his own hard work when he wins.(Und da habe ich Say no)
Wäre super, nett, wenn ihr mir sagen könnt ob das so richtig ist!)
Achso und könnt ihr mir vielleicht eventuell dabei helfen:
Write down in one sentence what each paragraph is about.
(Also ich soll in ein Satz jeweils die Abschnitte beschreiben/Worum es geht!)
Und ich soll so anfangen The first paragraph explains oder is about!
Wäre nett, wenn ihr mir dabei helfen könnt!
Vielen Dank im Vorraus!
GAST stellte diese Frage am 03.10.2007 - 13:17

Beiträge 0
Antwort von Pinguin.Steffi (ehem. Mitglied) | 03.10.2007 - 14:43
ich hätte die Überschriften genauso vergeben wie du.

The first paragraph describes the situation of Alex and the coaches advise to take food supplements.
The 2nd paragraph is about the experts opinions as well as statistics and consequences of the use of such substances.
The 3rd paragraph explains the result for Alex - kidney stones.
The 4th paragraph contains the question if more is better and shows possibilitys to get food supplements.
The 5th paragraph shows the good acting of Alex who wants to train his body without the substances.

So, das wären meine Zusammenfassungen! Hoffe das hilft dir!

Antwort von GAST | 03.10.2007 - 15:04
Super, dankeschön für deine Hilfe!
Hast mir echt weiter geholfen!

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