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Bitte um Korrektur

Frage: Bitte um Korrektur
(2 Antworten)

Beiträge 75

ich würde mich freuen, wenn jemand Zeit findet, um über diese beiden Aufgaben zu lesen.
Danke vorab :-)

Aufgabe D
Katrin phones someone to invite them to the meeting. Write a dialogue of 60-80 words. (Katrin ruft jemanden an, um ihn zur Besprechung einzuladen. Schreiben Sie einen Dialog mit 60–80 Wörtern.)

Katrin: Hello Alex I hope you are well. How was your first week with your new team?
Alex: Hey Katrin. Oh it was great we have created some new ideas for our next projects.
Katrin: Oh really? This is perfect!
Alex: Why are you so excited?
Katrin: Because I call you to invite you to our next big team meeting. And if you have some new ideas you can present it there.
Alex: Of course I`ll take part in the meeting. When and where do we meet?

Katrin: Fine! It`s scheduled for Friday at 13.00 o’clock in the conference room.
Alex okay thank you. Good bye

Aufgabe E Write 80–100 words about your city, village or country

I live in Brunswick it is the second largest city in Lower Saxony. As I was a child I always said “when I grow up I will live and work here. I will have a relationship an be happy.”
13 years later my dream come true. Brunswick is a beautiful old city with 260 000 residents. I love the old buildings in mix with the new shops around the the old ones. We have some little cafés and restaurants. My favourite place
is a lake in south of the city. In sommer I love to ride my bike there.
Frage von miela | am 09.03.2020 - 18:51

Beiträge 2582
Antwort von Ratgeber | 09.03.2020 - 19:51
Aufgabe D Meine Vorschläge und Korrekturen:
Katrin phones somebody to invite him to the meeting.
Write a dialogue of 60-80 words.
Katrin: Hello Alex I hope you are fine /you are doing well. How was your first week with your new team?
Alex: Hey Katrin. Oh it was great! We have created some new ideas for our next projects.
Katrin: Oh really? This is perfect!
Alex: Why are you so excited?
Katrin: Because I call you to invite you to our next big team meeting. And if you have some new ideas you can present them there. (Them wegen ideas !)
Alex: Of course I`ll take part in the meeting. When and where do we meet?
Katrin: Fine! It`s to be held / planned for / scheduled for Friday at 13.00 o’clock in the conference room.
Alex: Okay thank you. Good bye

Aufgabe E Write 80–100 words about your city, village or country

I live in Brunswick which is the second largest city in Lower Saxony. As I was a child I always said “when I grow up I will live and work here. I will have a relationship and be happy.”
13 years later my dream came true. Brunswick is a beautiful old city with 260 000 residents. I love the old buildings in mix with the new shops around the the old ones. We have some little cafés and restaurants. My favourite place is a lake in the south of the city. In summer I love to ride my bike there.

Beiträge 75
Antwort von miela | 10.03.2020 - 20:21
hab vielen dank

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