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Anyone else think 6 underground was pretty bad?

Frage: Anyone else think 6 underground was pretty bad?
(2 Antworten)

Beiträge 2
Hello everybody ,, I just wanted to confirm I`m not the only one who watched this movie and kept finding myself asking "what the hell is going on?".
The beginning was great, a wonderful opening, fun and violent, humorous and lots of action. After that it`s all one big confusing jumble, they have to keep going back flash back after flashback to bring everything together and it was getting in the way of the main plot. The fast paced scene to scene style of the movie made it hard to focus it felt like I had just took speed and watched the move high as a kite. The side stories just made the movie more frustrating to watch and you don`t even have a bond with any characters or get a real feel for them. The characters also felt really forced, maybe the actors weremt right for the roles or the writers just really wanted us to click with these characters. The only thing this movie has going for it was Ryan Reynolds but even his character feels so fabricated and unauthentic. The humor was great as well but I just couldn`t fall into the story and I couldn`t find myself immersed in the acting. It`s not a terrible film by any means. But if I had the choice I would of rather spent that time watching something that actually felt genuine..
Frage von Mounsif | am 11.02.2020 - 19:46

Beiträge 11947
Antwort von cleosulz | 11.02.2020 - 20:14
Hallo Mounsif,

was sollen wir mit deiner Fimbeschreibung von 6 Underground machen?
Warum stellst du deinen Beitrag auf Englisch ein?
________________________ - Team

Beiträge 2
Antwort von Mounsif | 14.02.2020 - 15:37
Hello everybody ,, I just wanted to confirm I`m not the only one who watched this movie and kept finding myself asking "what the hell is going on?".
The beginning was great, a wonderful opening, fun and violent, humorous and lots of action. After that it`s all one big confusing jumble, they have to keep going back flash back after flashback to bring everything together and it was getting in the way of the main plot. The fast paced scene to scene style of the movie made it hard to focus it felt like I had just took speed and watched the move high as a kite. The side stories just made the movie more frustrating to watch and you don`t even have a bond with any characters or get a real feel for them. The characters also felt really forced, maybe the actors weremt right for the roles or the writers just really wanted us to click with these characters. The only thing this movie has going for it was Ryan Reynolds but even his character feels so fabricated and unauthentic. The humor was great as well but I just couldn`t fall into the story and I couldn`t find myself immersed in the acting. It`s not a terrible film by any means. But if I had the choice I would of rather spent that time watching something that actually felt genuine..

Edit: Link gelöscht, denn zu deinem Beitrag passt er überhaupt nicht

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