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Boot camps: Bitte korrigieren

Frage: Boot camps: Bitte korrigieren
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Ich muss eine Diskussion über Bootcamps in Englisch schreiben aber ich weiss nicht ob der Text gut ist I am in favor of the abolition of boot camps because, as a further step, I think it is bringing society closer to humanity and equality.
I think that the consequences of a boot camp are too hard for young people, and young people show this too unable to withstand psychological as well as physical pressure and commit suicide.There are many arguments against boot camps, including compulsory respect for fear of punishment, which can make children feel hate and anger Attention should be paid to the inhumane way in which they treat adolescents, which also reflects the statements of two police officers (the boot camp is an abuse of the children) .The children are also prohibited from contacting the outside world as well as their parents, friends and family, and so on can lead to the fact that they are clueless from the outside world. There are also positive arguments that speak for boot camps such as the organization, discipline and respect that the young people learn, which they have been forced upon. A boot camp is, as already mentioned, something that is based solely on violence.
Frage von Z.oe | am 10.02.2020 - 12:22

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