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Richtige Zeitform

Frage: Richtige Zeitform
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Reputedly the first words spoken over a pair of telephone wires were: “Mr Watson, come here – I want you.” On 10 March 1876 the Edinburgh emigré and teacher of elocution, Alexander Graham Bell, was calling to his associate Tom Watson two rooms away in a house in Boston, Massachusetts, over his experimental telephone.
Watson rushed along to Bell’s room exclaiming, “It works! I heard you!” Bell lost no time in testing his equipment over longer distances using existing telegraph wires. Until then people had only been able to communicate by using the dots and dashes of the Morse Code. Six months later Bell was able to recognise his father’s voice over a link-up from eight miles away. The telephone was born. Bell came to England in 1877 and was presented to Queen Victoria to whom he demonstrated his invention. She thought it “most extraordinary” and ordered two phones for herself. In 1878 The Telephone Company Ltd., incorporating Bell’s patents, was registered for business in Britain and by 1879 the company had more than 200 subscribers, including instruments at Windsor Castle and Buckingham Palace. In 1900 the first public call boxes appeared with a call costing one penny. A little over a decade later the Post Office obtained control of most of the private companies which had been operating telephone services until then. In 1936 Britain celebrated a world’s first with the co-axial cable laid by the Post Office between London and Birmingham, capable of carrying several hundred telephone conversations simultaneously. A period of phenomenal growth started after the Second World War. Telephone exchange connections in Britain rose from 5.2 million in 1950 to more than 12 million by 1968. Now, even in the age of the mobile phone, virtually every household in the country has a landline connection, sometimes with handsets in different rooms.The first transatlantic telephone cable between Britain and USA was laid in 1956. In 1962 the first telecommunications satellite, Telstar, was launched. Since then a network of such satellites has been developed which covers every part of the globe, thus making international voice communication over long distances as simple and easy as talking to someone in the same room as you. The most significant development in the recent past has been in the mobile telephone market. In most western countries nearly everybody has one and for many young schoolchildren owning one has become one of their first status symbols. As more and more people use their mobiles for modern communication, the old public call boxes, painted a characteristic red, are slowly disappearing from the British landscape.

Below there are a number of statements based on the information you have just
read in the text above. Look at them carefully and decide which of the alternative
tenses is clearly right.
1. In 1876 Bell spoke / was speaking / has spoken on the telephone for the first
2. Bell had come / came / was coming from Britain.
3. Bell has been working / was working / had been working in Boston.
4. Bell wasn’t delaying / did not delay / has not delayed making further tests.
5. When Queen Victoria met Bell, she ordered / was ordering / has ordered / has
been ordering / had ordered two phones for herself.
6. By 1879 Bell’s company had attracted / attracted / was attracting / has attracted
more than 200 subscribers.
7. The 19th century saw/has seen / was seeing / has been seeing one of the
world’s most important inventions – the telephone.
8. In 1900 calls made from public telephones cost / had cost / have cost / were costing
one penny.
9. After co-axial cable was laid between London and Birmingham, several hundred
simultaneous telephone conversations had become / became / have become possible.
10. A considerable growth in the use of the telephone took place / has taken
place / was taking place / has been taking place since the Second World War.
11. For some time now satellites played / have played / had played an important
role in international communications.
12. Most people in the western world now have / are having / have had a mobile

Liege ich richtig?
1.) spoke
2.) came
3.) was working
4.) wasn´t delaying
4.) she ordered

Wollte mal fragen, ob ich den richtigen Ansatz habe. Danke.
Frage von Caro450 | am 30.11.2018 - 17:44

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