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Brief für Schülerautausch-Hilfe Teil 1

Frage: Brief für Schülerautausch-Hilfe Teil 1
(1 Antwort)

Beiträge 2
Hey ihr, da ich mich für einen Schüleraustausch bewerbe, brauch ich unbedingt eure Hilfe, da ich in Englisch nicht sehr gut bin und meinen Text möglichst gut sein sollte. Es wäre also super liebt, wenn ihr mir Wörter/ Sätze, die falsch sind, verbessert und mir andere Formulierungen, wenn ich mich falsch ausgedrückt habe, geben könntet. Da mein Text zu lange ist, teile ich ihn in zwei Hälften.

Dear Guys,
My name is xy, I am xy years old and I attend the xy th grade at the xy . My birth is on xy. I live with my family in a little village,called xy five kilometers away from xy.
1. My friends say that I am a very self-confident and contented person but sometimes I am a bit to energetic. I like having many people around me because being alone makes me unhappy. My friends are very important to me and i will never leave them. If I begin to work on something I have to bring it to an end. You can see this as a strength or a weakness but in my opinion it is important to bring something to an end.

2. I ask my parents only for help if I am demanded with a situation and do not know any more further . Then my parents did not solve the problem for me . They help me only a little bit , so that I cope the situation .

3. My hobbies are xy and a few years ago i did gymnastics but i had to stop because of school. Since I was 5 I have done gymnastics but as I was 12 I had to decide b etween xy and do gymnastics . And I decide me for xy. xy is a mix from dance and gymnastics. I do this four times a week since three years. Since i was 4 I am also in a carnival society , where we have also meetings and trieps.

vielen Lieben Dank schon mal im voraus :)
Frage von MaryLou3 | am 17.01.2016 - 14:41

Beiträge 40305
Antwort von matata | 17.01.2016 - 14:46
MaryLou3 schrieb auch

Hier nun die 2. Hälfte. Vielen Lieben Dank schon mal im voraus :)

5. The main thing I expect from the exchange is to learn how the South African people live and to see the differences in the German and South Africa way of life because I am very interested in other cultures. I hope I will spend much time with my family to get to know their life. I am able to busy myself and I do notexpect from the family ,
me to entertain . On the other side I will have a lot ofdesire time to spend with my hops t family . I would like to discover South Africa and really like to keep in touch with some nice South Africans. It would be great, to find out how the South Afircans school system works and to get to know with the ‘South African way of life’. I really want to bring a piece of Germany in the South Africa, want to outgrow myself and get lots of fantastic experiences . What I am also expect is having the chance to improve my englisch. I said I want to see the South Africans, especially my exchange student and her family, live but moreover I want to show them my way of living. If they want to I will show them some typical german things or respond to their questions about me and the way I live. That is my contribution to the exchange. Furthermore I think the experiences I will make with this exchange will be relevant for my futher life. I am very excited of living with a family who has an other culture and maybe a different behavior.

6. My first future plan is to do the A-level. After that I want to see the world. Than to study at a university, but I do not know what now. If I am ready withstudy , I would like to bu ild a house with my husband , then a few years workand get children and when these are in the kindergarten , work again . Myfavorite occupation would be to be fought for justice in the whole world , because justice is very important and I also often
stand up for justice by differences opinion s in class.

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