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Englisch Text Korrektur

Frage: Englisch Text Korrektur
(3 Antworten)

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Hallo, ich habe einen English Text geschrieben ,das ich den abgeben muss.Nur ich brauche einen der es dann verbessert,damit ich auch weiß wo meine Fehler drin stecken.

Today we discuss about the media.
My English teacher had three question and we mustwrite a short text about the topic. First ofall I´m not addicted.  I have a lot ofmedia at my home, but I didn´t use it every day. If I play computer games, mymum would warn me, that I did spend my time. So I know some of people, who playcomputer games every day, that  theyhaven´t  a real life. For example, my mumwould say to me: “Siyar come we go in the shopping center “. Then I wouldanswer: “No mum, I can´t “. The important thing is, that the kids haven´t lesstime, but if they play computer, then they would have time to play amedia.  Furthermore I not like one media.That´s is the TV. It has all entertainment, shows and you can watch all films,but for me it is very boring to sit in in the couch and watch a movie forhours. It is better, if you would sleep. However media is a special thing forchildren, because they can watch cartoons or play games on tablets. But In myopinion is media for kids very dangerous, because it can be harmful forchildren´s health´s and it can make someone very aggressive, so that the parent’scan´t help the child. So that I hope it would give a extra technology rules forchildren, thereby kids cannot go on every websites or watch all Tvchannels.  I like a media, which I thinkall like it. That is the modern computer, because without computer you wouldn´tbe successful at this time and for you use it for the school , so you cansearch a word or can make a presentation . All in allI find media is very dangerous for kids, because they can be destroying theirfuture and it is bad for kids health, too. I have many media, but I have planer for this all technology.
Frage von Sikuhero | am 11.03.2015 - 15:03

Beiträge 30
Antwort von Jasi1 | 12.03.2015 - 15:47
Today we discuss about the media. My English teacher had three question and we must write a short text about the topic. First of all I´m not addicted.  I have a lot of media at home,
but I didn´t use it every day. If I play computer games, my mum would warn me, that I did spend my time. So I know some of people, who playcomputer games every day, that  they haven´t  a real life. For example, my mum say to me: “Siyar come we go to the shopping center “. Then I answer: “No mum, I can´t “. The important thing is, that the kids haven´t less time, but if they play computer, then they would have time to play a media.  Furthermore I don`t like one media and that´s the TV. It has all entertainment, shows and you can watch all films,but for me it is very boring to sit in (a) the couch and watch a movie for hours. It is better, if you would sleep. However media is a special thing for children, because they can watch cartoons or play games on tablets. But In my opinion is media for kids very dangerous, because it can be harmful for children´s health´s and it can make someone very aggressive, so that the parent’s can´t help her child. So that I hope it would give a extra technology rules for children, there by kids cannot go on every websites or watch all TV channels.  I like a media, which I think that all like it. That is the modern computer, because without computer you can´tbe successful at this time. Also use it for school , so you can search a word or can make a presentation . All in all I find mediums are very dangerous for kids, because they can be destroying their future and it is bad for kids health, too. I have many media, but I have a planer for all this Technology.

Beiträge 239
Antwort von Zal | 13.03.2015 - 14:38
Generelle Frage:

Wenn diese Diskussion, die ihr geführt habt, abgeschlossen ist, dann muss alles in simple past und ich nehme an, dass es auch so sein soll. Somit hat auch Jasi1 einiges/vieles falsch.

Daher solltest du erstmal klären, in welcher Zeit du es schreiben wolltest Siku, da du mehrere Zeiten miteinander vermischst und einige andere Sachen.

Beiträge 30
Antwort von Jasi1 | 13.03.2015 - 15:21
Also ich habe eigentlich nur jene korrigiert, welche nicht zusammen geschrieben werden. Den Rest habe ich so ziemlich stehen gelassen. Den kannst ja du korrigieren.

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