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Kureishi, Hanef - My son the fanatic

Frage: Kureishi, Hanef - My son the fanatic
(2 Antworten)

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kann mir einer bitte bei der Korrektur helfen also ob so alles richtig ist

"My Son the Fanatic", a short story written by Hanef Kureishi in 1994, acts from Parvez, a Pakistani taxi driver in England who worries about the change of his son Ali.
After initial hesitation this reports his colleague about his observations and struggles for version when these express her suspicion on drug addiction.
With the help of a prostitute friendly to him called Bettina he considers what is to be done. Parvez searches Ali`s room for any drug, however, without success. After also his appearance admits no ends on drug addiction, Parvez lets out no opportunity to eavesdrop on his son and to observe. The multiple everyday pray Alis is the only conspicuity. Finally, decides Parvez to put his son to the language. Nevertheless, on the next day the distraught Parvez searches once more a conversation with Bettina: in a restaurant visit Ali showed a clear aversion compared with the consumption of alcohol of the father. Ali confronts Parvez with other religious sins according to the Koran which does not deny the amazed and furious Parvez, however, also concerning the life of a usual person does not recognize as wrong. With difficulty Parvez resigns itself to a true homily, therefore he should honour Islam, because the western civilization is an aggregation of decadent, misled people. Alis father confesses Bettina that he thought of his son for the sake of even ready would be to be recited, however, not that him this the hell prophesied.

Bettina tries to comfort Parvez and supposes that youthful often phases work through in them in a sect advisably. She urges him to be a caring father in spite of Alis inaccessibility furthermore and not to give up him yet. After also a new attempt fails to exchange itself with Ali about life philosophy, tries to talk Bettina spontaneously at an accidental meeting of three with him. Nevertheless, Parvez` son refuses to recognize her words on account of her appeal as prostitutes. This becomes, finally, also Bettina too much: furiously she leaves the still moving car and flees at the night. As a father and after son lives come, cannot keep Parvez anymore and hits his son. Ali directs as the only reaction to it the question to his father who is now the fanatic.
Frage von wertzu (ehem. Mitglied) | am 02.02.2014 - 18:11

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Antwort von matata | 02.02.2014 - 20:49
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Antwort von Grizabella | 02.02.2014 - 22:39
Ich möchte dir ja nicht zu nahe treten, aber bist du sicher dass du einige Sätze selbst geschrieben hast? Klingt wie google Übersetzer!

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