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bitte um hilfe bei englisch referat (korrektur )

Frage: bitte um hilfe bei englisch referat (korrektur )
(5 Antworten)

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hey leutz

wie der Titel schon sagt bitte ich euch um dringende hilfe bei der korrektur eines englisch referates
ich geh momentan in die 13 klasse und muss für englisch noch etwas präsentieren und das auch abgeben ,dabei wird auf alles geachet
(inhalt +grammatik) ich bin wirklich sehr schlecht in englisch und hoffe mit euerer hilfe das ich daraus viele punkte raushollen kann um meine note zu verbessern
Vielen dank im voraus

Bei diesen aufgaben handelt es sich alles um diesen text



1.) What objective facts do youlearn about the author`s life?

The author has become an actor.
She has the acting discovereal in the school itself. He discribe`s that she is the only Mexican were dislikes the mexican food. they love the theather. Becouse of this he lost much of friends. He loves Shakespear and the do any party with the design of Shakespear or he durings car rides or dinner parties.His normal friends don`t exapt that she is adrama queen. Becouse of this hef ound new friends because thayaccept him as it is . The author feel more comfortable in then own skin by the new group.He is a theaher freak whose friends are quiet and non comfortable.They spend her time with girl ``who lunch``.

2.) Outline what she says about her emotinal life!

The author says about her emotinal life that she was very lonley as they say that she is a drama queen .his friends deserted him becouse he is not a normal guy. His friends don`t accept his theatrical tendencies. he loves shakespeare.In the high-school they begon a new life.He found a new group ,they accepted him as it is.he fell more comfortable in her new own skin.But the important thing is that she found herself.

3.)Analyse language and style of the article!

In the text that writen by Jasmin C. ,, A Shakespear-Prep`` is about a guy who find herself and begann a new life.
The author of this use lots of chiasmss ,, i am (line(l) 1.f) and ,,i am (l.2).
In (l.2) they us a similie,an explicitcomparisson between two distinctly different things whichhave at least one feature in common ,, as night and day``. At the next paragraph the use a alliteration,a recurrence of initial sounds.The authors effect of the aliterations to convey auditory images.
At (l 15-27) the author use much of chiasms. The effect of this are that he discribes only one person and that the person stand in the center.

4.)Literature like Shakespeare`s dramas may contributeto your personal development -discuss-!

Shakespeare is one of the first great dramatists.Although his works has survived incomplete, thanks to him some of the big trogedies of histor. he was active in all literary genres. Particulory his romatic tragedies (romeo and julia) and his comedies are very exciting, the story takes places (king lear) givean interesting insight into the living conditions read at the courtin the time of Shakespeare.His really impressed me was how it manuges Shakespeare historical material (the drama king) pocked in great poetry. in i see the first writer who is not satisfied with a decription of the unavoible people but also the examination of the emotinal lives of his characters.
Shakespeare language is strange even for the englisch of his days but then again the most scripts we have today are recreations based on memorys of actors and the audience , but tis fact doesn`t really want to appear as an excuse in my mind it even lets the shakespeare ``fans`` who`re always quoting his crap seem rather ridicoulous becouse they actuelley gabble some words that probably never ever left shakespearmouth
He wasn`t able to write his name properly and left out the second. Theexcuse for his curiosity still be the instability of the englisch language that days but i expect move of a wonnable gennious of language and poesy .
Frage von bigrusse (ehem. Mitglied) | am 12.02.2013 - 01:02

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Antwort von goldenoldie (ehem. Mitglied) | 12.02.2013 - 10:25
Bigrusse, zuerst , sei willkommen in diesem Forum.

Dein Text ist aufgrund zahlreicher Fehler fast unlesbar; ich rate dir zuerst eine Überarbeitung;

1)der Text wurde von einer jungen Frau verfasst; du musst also daher durchgängig die weiblichen Formen des Personalpronomens benutzen - also she/her.

2) benutze parallel ein Wörterbuch (evtl., um die vielen Rechtschreibfehler selbst zu eliminieren ("becose, letzte Zeile: "wonnable" / "gennious")

3) glaubst du wirklich, dass du mit dem Satz

shakespeare ``fans`` who`re always quoting his crap seem rather ridicoulous becouse they actuelley gabble some words that probably never ever left shakespearmouth

punkten wirst?

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Antwort von bigrusse (ehem. Mitglied) | 12.02.2013 - 12:44
ich hab es nochmal überarbeitet ich hoffe sie können mir dabei nochmal helfen

Bei diesen aufgaben handelt es sich alles um diesen text

1) What objective facts do you learn about the author`s life?
She discovered her attitude towards acting during her school time.. He describes that she is the only Mexican who dislikes the mexican food. They love the theater. Because of this he lost many friends. She loves Shakespeare and they do any party with the design of Shakespeare or during car rides or dinner parties. Her normal friends don`t accept that she is a drama queen. But because of that reason he found new friends who accept him as he is. . The author felt more comfortable with him belonging to the new group. They spend their time with girl ``who lunch``.

2.) Outline what she says about her emotional life!

The author says about her emotional life that she was very lonely as they say that she is a drama queen . His friends deserted him because he is not a normal guy. His friends don`t accept his theatrical tendencies. He loves Shakespeare. In high-school they began a new life. He found a new group ,they accepted him as he is. He fell more comfortable in his new own skin. But the important thing is that he found himself.

3.)Analyse language and style of the article!

In the text that was written by Jasmin C. ,, A Shakespeare-Prep`` is about a guy who find himself and began a new life.
The author of this uses lots of chiasmus ,, i am (line(l) 1.f) and ,,i am (l.2).
In (l.2) they us a similie, an explicit comparisson between two distinctly different things which have at least one feature in common ,, as night and day``. In the next paragraph he uses a alliteration, a recurrence of initial sounds. The authors effect of the aliterations is to convey auditory images.
At (l 15-27) the author uses much of chiasms. The effect of this is that he describes only one person and that the person stands in center.

4.) Literature like Shakespeare`s dramas may contribute to your personal development -discuss-!

Shakespeare is one of the first great dramatists. Although his works has survived incomplete, thanks to him some of the big tragedies of history. He was active in all literary genres. Particular his romantic tragedies (Romeo and Julia) and his comedies are very exciting, the story takes places (king Lear) given interesting insight into the living conditions read at the courting the time of Shakespeare. He is really impressed me was how it manuges Shakespeare historical material (the drama king) pocked in great poetry. In my opinion he is the first writer who is not satisfied with a description of the unviable people but also the examination of the emotional lives of his characters.
Shakespeare’s language is strange even for the English of his days but then again the most scripts we have today are recreations based on memories of actors and the audience , but this fact doesn`t really want to appear as an excuse in my mind it even lets the Shakespeare ``fans`` who are always quoting his crap seem rather ridiculous because they actually gabble some words that probably never ever left Shakespeare’s mouth.
He wasn`t able to write his name properly and left out the second. The excuse for his curiosity still is the instability of the English language that days but I expect move of a winnable genius of language and poetry .

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Antwort von goldenoldie (ehem. Mitglied) | 12.02.2013 - 14:02
1) What objective facts do you learn about the author`s life?
She discovered her attitude towards acting during her school time..
He describes that she is the only Mexican who dislikes [---]
mexican food. They loves the theater. Because of this he has lostmany friends. She loves Shakespeare and they do any party with the design of Shakespeare or during car rides or dinner parties. Her normal friends don`t accept that she is a drama queen. But because of that reason he
found new friends who accept him as he is. . The author feels more comfortable with him belonging to the new group. They spend their time with girl ``who lunch``.

2.) Outline what she says about her emotional life!

The author says about her emotional life that she was very lonely as they said that she was a drama queen . His friends havedeserted him because he is not a normal guy. His friends don`t accept his theatrical tendencies. He loves Shakespeare. In high-school they began a new life. He found a new group ,they accepted him as he was. He [b]felt[/b] more comfortable in his new own skin. But the important thing is that he has found himself.

in diesen beiden Absätzen habe ich noch 21 mal das Personalpronomen verbessert (zu erkennen am Fettdruck!

von mir verbesserte Textstellen habe ich mit fett/schräggekennzeichnet.

Stelle dich schon darauf ein, dass ich den 4. [Schrott-]Absatz (in wieweit Literatur dich beeinflusst) nicht korrigieren werde.

Falls du mich noch einmal hier schriftlich ansprichst, bestehe ich auf "Sie" -mit dem Großbuchstaben "S" als Akt simpler Höflichkeit.

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Antwort von bigrusse (ehem. Mitglied) | 12.02.2013 - 15:12
Ich danke Ihnen für ihre Antwort
ich habe die ersten 3 aufgaben nochmal überarbeitet
könnten Sie da bitte nochmal drüber schauen

1) What objective facts do you learn about the author`s life?
She discovered her attitude towards acting during her school time.. He describes that she is the only Mexican who dislikes mexican food. They loves the theater. Because of this he has lost many friends. She loves Shakespeare and they do any party with the design of Shakespeare or during car rides or dinner parties. Her normal friends don`t accept that she is a drama queen. But because of that reason he has found new friends who accept him as he is. . The author feels more comfortable with him belonging to the new group. They spend their time with girl ``who lunch``.

2.) Outline what she says about her emotional life!

The author says about her emotional life that she was very lonely as they say that she is a drama queen. Her friends deserted her because she is not a normal girl. Her friends don`t accept her theatrical tendencies. She loves Shakespeare. In high-school they began a new life. She found a new group ,they accepted her as she is. She felt more comfortable in her new own skin. But the important thing was that she found himself.

3.)Analyse language and style of the article!

The text that was written by Jasmin C. ,, A Shakespeare-Prep`` is about finding himself and beginning a new life.
The author uses lots of chiasmus ,, i am (line(l) 1.f) and ,,i am (l.2).
In (l.2) they us a similie, an explicit comparisson between two distinctly different things which have at least one feature in common ,, as night and day``. In the next paragraph she uses a alliteration, a recurrence of initial sounds. The author`s effect of the aliterations is to convey auditory images.
At (l 15-27) the author uses much of chiasmi. The effect of this is that he describes only one person and that the person stands in center.

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Antwort von goldenoldie (ehem. Mitglied) | 12.02.2013 - 17:36
Ich danke Ihnen für ihre Antwort

ist "ihre" unhöflicher als "Ihnen"? Bitte auch "Ihre" groß schreiben.

Ich helfe gern weiter, aber bitte, bitte entferne erst die von mir angemerkten Fehler:

She discovered her attitude towards acting during her school time.. He describes that she is the only Mexican who dislikes mexican food. They loves the theater. Because of this he has lost many friends. She loves Shakespeare and theydoes any party with the design of Shakespeare or during car rides or dinner parties.[nverständlich!] Her normal friends don`t accept that she is a drama queen. But because of that reason he has found new friends who accept him as he is. . The author feels more comfortable with him belonging to the new group. They spend their time with girl ``who lunch``. [unverständlich]

in diesem Abschnitt sind immer noch SIEBEN Personalpronomen falsch; "Mexican" muss groß geschrieben werden!

In Abschnitt 2 hast du meine Korrekturen so gut gar nicht berücksichtigt!

Abschnitt 3: "I" wird groß geschrieben, die Wiederholung von "I am" ist ein "Anapher" aber kein Chiasmus.

Die Alliteration im 2. Paragraphen finde ich nicht ebenso nicht die Chiasmen in den Zeilen 15 - 27.

Sollte man (Z 1/2) "Shouldn`t every .....of it?" nicht als "rhetorical question" bezeichnen können?

Auch in Abschnitt 3 gibt es wieder Personal-Pronomen-Fehlern

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