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Referat Idiens neue Mittelschicht auf Englisch

Frage: Referat Idiens neue Mittelschicht auf Englisch
(4 Antworten)

Beiträge 277
Hallo alle zusammen :)

ich soll ein Referat über Indiens neue Mittelschicht schreiben, kann mir jemand gute Internetseiten geben, weil ich nichts passendes zu meinem Thema gefunden habe. Ehrlich gesagt, weiß ich auch nicht was ich in Google schreiben soll....
Ich will keine Referate von anderen, sondern informative Seiten.

Vielen Dank
Frage von yy92 | am 31.01.2013 - 14:41

Beiträge 40305
Antwort von matata | 31.01.2013 - 15:16
Gefunden mit Google und den Schlüsselwörtern

Indien+neue Mittelschicht
podcast für den Download,2828,520387,00.html
________________________ - Team

Beiträge 277
Antwort von yy92 | 03.02.2013 - 15:01
Erstmal bedanke ich mich fpr die Links die haben mir wirklich geholfen :)
Kann jemand mein Referat bitte durchlesen und berichtigen oder ergänzen
VIelen vielen Dank!
I want to explain you something about Indias new middle class. Please take notes because after my Presentation I ask you some questions.
In the new middle class is a necessary to have a job which is high income, if you want to apply there. The average monthly is around 200euros. Who is significantly higer is considered to be successful and of course they show is gladly. A big car a fancy apartment in the city a new phone and going out for dinner in the best restaurants in the town. The llife from womans are different here. They wear jeans and a T-shirt instead of sari and realitionshi are possible before marriage. The woman are independent and exciting international business life. The enourmous economic upswing in the subcontinent is not without its positive impact on the population and promotes in the different social groups. Meanwhile the net income of households is growing by more than 10 percent
I want to finish my Presentation with a conlusion.
The alleged expansion of the middle class is of great importance. The modernization of highly developed societies such as Western Europe, North America and Japan was based on the two processes of industrialization and urbanization in the latter part of the 19th and early 20th Century. People have been lured by the prospect of manufacturing jobs in the cities - and these jobs should allow them to climb. The emergence of a substantial middle class was an integral part of development, democratization and prosperity of the West. Will repeat this experience in India today?

Let`s look at Mumbai, formerly Bombay. Mumbai is India`s commercial capital, the gateway to the global economy and with nearly 18 million inhabitants, the largest city in the country. Sometimes it is also called the "Golden City", a city to which many arrived penniless and in which they have come to prosperity - in other words, a place with many social opportunities for advancement and the ideal setting for a study of the new middle class of India.

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Antwort von Senkura (ehem. Mitglied) | 03.02.2013 - 15:38
Fang deine Sätze höflich und nett an.

I would like to tell you something about India`s new middle class. Listen carefully and take notes, because I`ll be questioning you regarding this topic.

In the new middle class, it is necessary to have a job with a high income, (if you want to apply there = was meinst du damit?). The average monthly earnings around 200 euros, which is significantly higher considered to be successful ( and of course they show is gladly = was meinst du damit? ) .

A big car, a fancy appartment in the city, a new phone and going out for dinner in the best restaurants in the town is thus possible. The life of women is different in comparison. They wear jeans and t-shirts. ( instead of sari and realitionship are possible before marriage = Sie tragen Hosen und t-shirts, statt sari und Beziehungen? ). The women are independent and (live?) an exciting international business life. = was meinst du damit ?).

The enourmous economic upswing in the subcontinent is not without its positive impact on the population and promotes in the different social groups. Meanwhile the net income of households is growing by more than 10 percent

I`d like to finish my presentation with a conclusion.

The alleged expansion of the middle class is of a great importance. The modernization of highly developed societies such as Western Europe, North America and Japan was based on the two processes of industrialization and urbanization in the latter part of the 19th and early 20th century. People have been lured by the prospect of manufacturing jobs in the cities - and these jobs should allow them to climb. The emergence of a substantial middle class was an integral part of development, democratization and prosperity of the West. Will this experience be repeated in India today?

Let`s look at Mumbai, formerly Bombay. Mumbai is India`s commercial capital, the gateway to the global economy and with nearly 18 million inhabitants, the largest city in the country. Sometimes it is also called the "Golden City", a city to which many arrived penniless and in which they have come to prosperity - in other words, a place with many social opportunities for advancement and the ideal setting for a study of the new middle class of India.

Beiträge 277
Antwort von yy92 | 03.02.2013 - 15:50
ist es denn so in Ordnung oder fehlt da noch etwas?

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