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Eurocom: Korrektur meines vorbereiteten Textes ?

Frage: Eurocom: Korrektur meines vorbereiteten Textes ?
(3 Antworten)

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Ich brauch eure Hilfe Ich hab in weniger als 3 tage meine Eurocom -Prüfung und mein text muss mal durchgeschaut und korrigiert werden, da ich nicht gerade gut im Fach Englisch bin Danke schon mal Voraus und ich hoffe ihr könnt mir helfen ... ihr würdet mir damit echt mein Leben retten :)

I think everybody has heard about my last leg lenghtening but hardly anyone knows a lot about it. That´s why I choose the topic for my presentation... Hello Mrs. " & Mrs" Today I want to give you a presentation about the leg lenghtening . First of all i´m going to talk about the Ilizarov ring fixateur. Then I will talk about the history and move on to the pro and cons sides. At my last point I will say something about my own experience and my own opinion. OK. Let´s start. What is a fixateur? The ilizarov ring fixateur is an apparatus used as a surgical treatment for leg lenghtening, correcting deformities fracture treatment and bone gaps. It is made up of two ring to the bone and metal rods that extend between rings. Here you can see some screws to fix the fixateur. These screws gave me my doctor after the removal. One of the most modern fixateur ist the Taylor Spatial Frame of the american manufacturer Smith and Nathew. My doctor used this also for me.

Let´s move to the history. Who was ilizarov? Prof. Gavril ilizarov was born in the soviet union in 1921 an died at a age from 71 in 1992. in the 1950s, he devised and developed his revolutionary method for treating fractures, deformities and other bone effects. Ilizarov method is a system in which bone is fixed with thin wires and rings. The procedure and the first apparatus he designed for it was inspired by a shaf bow harness on a horse carriage. Here you can see a picture.

Now to the Pro and Cons. First the Cons. You always must go to the hospital because the doctor must control the pins. It hurts when you daily must turn 1mm 6 stuts of the fixateur. It costs you 1 1/2 years from your life. It is a problem to wear jeans or something else, I always wear wide sport pants. You must clean the pins and the fixateur daily. at last it can became a infection. It had only one pro piont, it´s that you can growing taller.

Now to my own experience and than my own opinion. 3years ago I´ve choose this leg lenghtening because I want to grow taller. The operation was 6 hours long. The first walk was painful, because I´ve 2fixateur on both legs. After 2days I must go daily to the gym. Once I must stay 2weeks in the hospital because I had a become a infection and that was painful,too. After 1 1/2 years was the removal of both fixateurs. I must wear for 6weeks a gips. After 6 weeks I must wear 2months these protheses. All in this progress i must make daily these( spritzen auf englisch). I think it was an interesting experience and i´m lucky and happy because i grow 8cm taller. Thank you for listening. I hope you enjoyed it. Do you have any questions?

Frage von dnz | am 10.01.2013 - 18:31

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Antwort von beNaturally (ehem. Mitglied) | 10.01.2013 - 20:51
hey also ich weiß sicherlich auch nicht alles, aber ich hab englisch als 3. abifach und kann hoffentlich etwas helfen.

- lengthening
- ich hab immer gelernt, dass man die short-foremn nur spricht, aber nicht schreibt. also z.b. : That is statt That`s oder I have statt I`ve
- im 2. satz musst du die vergangenheitsform benutzen
- wieso hast du 2 mal "Mrs"? absicht?
- ich glaub ich würde sagen: I want to show you a presentation
- "Ok. Let`s start" würde denk ich nen ausdrucksfehler kriegen, weil umgangsprachlich
- It is made of two... ohne up, ring mit "s", wenns 2 sind und vlt in the bone statt to?
- My doctor gave me the screews after the removal. Anders wäre es satzbaufehler
- one of the most modern fixateuers (mit "s")
- wird Soviet Union nicht groß geschrieben? Eigenname..
- and (mit "d" !):D
- died 1992 with an age of 71 years
- Ilizarov`s method
- in which bones are fixed
- It hurts when you turn the 6 stuts of the fixateur 1mm everyday. You keep doing this 1 1/2 years of your life.

keine lust mehr :D hoffe das hat n bisschen geholfen

Beiträge 0
Antwort von goldenoldie (ehem. Mitglied) | 10.01.2013 - 21:35
I think everybody has heard about my last leg lenghtening but hardly anyone knows a lot about it. That´s why I have chosen the topic for my presentation... Hello Mrs. " & Mrs" Today I want to give you a presentation about [--] leg lenghtening . First of all i´m going to talk about the Ilizarov ring fixateur. Then I will talk about the history of this method and then I will move on to the pro and con sides. At my last point I will say something about my own experience and my own opinion. OK. Let´s start. What is a fixateur? The Ilizarov ring fixateur is an apparatus used as a surgical treatment for leg lenghtening, correcting deformities, fracture treatment and bone gaps. It is made up of two ring fixed to the bone and metal rods that extend between these rings. Here you can see some screws to fix the fixateur. These screws were given to my by my doctor after the removal. One of the most modern fixateurs isthe Taylor Spatial Frame of the American manufacturer Smith and Nathew. My doctor used this [--] for me.

Let´s move to the history. Who was Ilizarov? Prof. Gavril Ilizarov was born in the Soviet Union in 1921 an died at an age of 71 in 1992. In the 1950`s, he devised and developed his revolutionary method for treating fractures, deformities and other bone effects. The Ilizarov method is a system in which the bone is fixed with thin wires and rings. The procedure and the first apparatus he designed for it was inspired by a shaf bow harness? on a horse carriage. Here you can see a picture.

Now to the Pro and Cons. First the Cons. You always must go to [---] hospital because the doctor must control the pins. It hurts when you must turn 1mm 6 stuts of the fixateur each day. It costs you 1 1/2 years of your life. It is a problem to wear jeans or something else, I have always worn wide sport pants. You must clean the pins and the fixateur daily. It canat least become infected. It had only one pro point, it´s that you can growing taller.

Now to my own experience and then my own opinion. 3 years ago I chose this leg lenghtening because I wanted to grow taller. The operation lasted for 6 hours. The first walk was painful, because I had two fixateurs on both legs. After 2 days I had to go to the gym each day. Once I had to stay in [--] hospital for two days because I had [--] an infection and that was painful,too. After 1 1/2 years the two fixateurs were removed.. I had to wear a plaster of Paris dressing for 6 weeks. After 6 weeks I had to wear 2months these protheses for another two months. During this process I had to make daily these( spritzen auf englisch). I think it was an interesting experience and i´m lucky and happy because i have grown 8cm taller. Thank you for listening. I hope you enjoyed it. Do you have any questions

Beiträge 5
Antwort von dnz | 11.01.2013 - 14:43
Ich danke euch, habt mir wirklich ein riesen großen gefallen getan :)

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