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Bitte Korrrigieren: Brief in Englisch

Frage: Bitte Korrrigieren: Brief in Englisch
(2 Antworten)

Dear Mrs Honeywell ,

My Name is Ana Miner.
The reaason why Im writing this letter to you is that I would hier fehlt etwas spend one year at youre school. Im currently going to school in Erfinderstraße 123 in Austria 1234 .
Im good with people and enjoy being with them .Im caring and open-minded.Being a good teamplayer is very important to me.I enjoy painting and drawing.Writing stories or plays is fun for me. Id say Im reliable and patient. My plans for the next jear

is to exit the Matura . I want to improve my English skills and experience American culture very well.

Bitte versucht es yu verbessern ich bin sehr schlecht in englisch wie mans ja sieht.
ANONYM stellte diese Frage am 27.11.2012 - 15:39

Beiträge 40305
Antwort von matata | 27.11.2012 - 16:20

British English ---> A-Levels
American English --> high-school diploma
________________________ - Team

Beiträge 0
Antwort von Ulrike (ehem. Mitglied) | 27.11.2012 - 16:29
Dear Mrs Honeywell,

my name is Ana Miner and I am writing this letter to you because I would like to spend one year abroad at your school. I am currently a student at (Name der Schule) school (Erfinderstraße 123, Austria).
I am a very sociable person who likes to spend time with other people. I am open-minded and caring – being a team-player and helping others is very important to me. In my spare time I enjoy drawing pictures or writing stories and plays. I am reliable and patient. Next year I will graduate from school but before that I would like to improve my English skills and experience the American culture.

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