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Korrektur einer Hausaufgabe?

Frage: Korrektur einer Hausaufgabe?
(3 Antworten)

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At the beginning of the lesson some of the pupils read out their homework.
We had to corrected a worksheet with the title: The PC: a machine that changed the world”. Then we talked about the question: In which ways have computers changed the world. after that we became two worksheets, which we have to do at home

ist das ganze gramatikalisch richtig?

danke im vorraus :)
Frage von coelho91 (ehem. Mitglied) | am 25.09.2011 - 20:25

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Antwort von coelho91 (ehem. Mitglied) | 25.09.2011 - 20:38
ihr mir bitte helfen?

Antwort von GAST | 25.09.2011 - 20:44
Naja das hört sich so ein bisschen nach erster Klasse an sorry aber hier mal Verbesserungen :

Also der Anfang ist ganz gut :)
We started todays lesson with reading out our homework.
Homework was a to read the text: The PC: a machine that changed the world” and then to answer the question:"In which ways have computers changed the world?". It was obviously that the answer to this question could be found in the text.
The lesson ends with two new worksheets as homework.

Antwort von GAST | 26.09.2011 - 10:54
We started today`s lesson [---] reading out our homework.
Homework was a to read the text: "The PC: a machine that changed the world” and then to answer the question,"In which ways have computers changed the world?". It was obvious that the answer to this question could be found in the text.
The lesson ended with two new worksheets as a homework

So viel zur "Korrektur" von "Gast".

@ coelho91: Dein Text

At the beginning of the lesson some of the pupils read out their homework. We had to correct a worksheet with the title: "The PC: a machine that changed the world”. Then we talked about the question: In which ways have computers changed the world. after that we [---] were given /got two worksheets which we have to do at home

ist ganz in Ordnung; du schreibst deinen Stil, wenn du den Text von "Gast" übernimmst, wird dein vLehrer nur stutzig werden, dfass du deinen Stil so schnell ändern kannst.

Beachte bitte den "falschen Freund": become heißt WERDEN und nicht bekommen!

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