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Suche einen Lektor für meine englische Unibewerbung!

Frage: Suche einen Lektor für meine englische Unibewerbung!
(1 Antwort)

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Hallo zusammen,
ich suche ganz verzweifelt jemanden der ein bisschen mehr Ahnung vom Englischen hat und einen Blick auf den ersten Teil meiner Unibewerbung werfen kann! Inhaltlich gefällt sie mir sehr gut, nur mit der Grammatik, Satzstellung usw.
bräuchte ich Hilfe.Deadline ist leider schon übermorgen....:(
Tausend Dank!

1There were times in my life and I know that there will be those times in the future, when I felt tired, tired of sleeping, tired of talking, tired of being alive. When my psychiatrist told me in the age of 17, that is 5what they call depression I certainly knew that I have had it for my entire life. Looking back was always like looking through a heavy grey fog. I started taking drugs, a drug for getting into a better mood and a drug when I got hysterical (I never took the 2nd ones because 10I was afraid that there would not be any left when I would desperately need them). But all in all I did not feel much better, life was still my worst enemy. So my doctor wanted to take me to a psychiatric facility but I refused it. Sometimes I did not even want to be what 15they call healthy. I loved drowning in self-pity. I thought the depression is the only thing that is making me special. I found that I am boring. I may be kind, intelligent or pretty, but that’s it. I thought I am not especially funny or interesting, I cannot play an 20instrument, I cannot draw and I cannot sing. Everyone liked me nevertheless I felt lonely at all. In the year before my final exams I hit rock bottom. My depression got so bad that it felt like every fiber, every cell in my body was in pure pain. I did not sleep for days, I 25did not write, I did not go out and I did not do sports. I was not able to spend 2 hours without crying.
My life changed drastically that day I went to Metro Church. “My God is bigger than a doctor’s diagnose” is what the preacher told me. From this point on I was able 30to see my life through different eyes. I realized that I am not boring at all, I am kind, intelligent, interesting and convenient but first of all strong, stronger than anyone else I know. I passed excellent examinations although I had a serious disease.
35I am definitely blessed by living in such a developed country like Germany, by having everything I need right beside me and, of course by having such a beautiful and lovely family which I have. A family, who always cared for me when I was not able to care for myself, a family 40who supported every step I took.
The hard times are over now though no one can promise me that I will not have a backslide again, but at the same time I learned so many important things for my life because of my disease and it was forming my personality 45in a very positive way. I learned to have faith in myself and in God’s plan for my life. Believing in God and living after his rules is not always easy for me, to be honest, most of the time quiet hard, but I definitely know that my God will care for me my entire life. Beside 50this, I learned how important it is to accept a professional’s help.
Afterwards I had finished school I was working as a voluntary in a psychiatry called “Alexianer Hospital” because I know how much the patients need a helping 55hand. I have always been interested in social sciences and my own experiences I had to gain aggravated my decision to work in this occupational field.
Frage von Vernuenftiger-Name (ehem. Mitglied) | am 13.09.2011 - 22:31

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Antwort von Vernuenftiger-Name (ehem. Mitglied) | 14.09.2011 - 22:35


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