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Englisch Bericht

Frage: Englisch Bericht
(3 Antworten)

Beiträge 27
Hallo habe hier etwas über mein praktikum im kindergarten geschrieben.
Könnt ihr vielleicht mal drüber schauen wegen Rechtschreibfehlern und so..?

My Practical training in the nursery school Sanddeich

I would like to report on my practical training in the Nursery School Sanddeich which I did last week.
The first day I was really nervous because I didn´t know what would happen.
I woke up at 6.00 o´clock and arrived at the nursery school at 7.45.
I rang the door bell and I was welcomed nicely. The first impression was really good.
I was impressed by all independently working children.
At the nursery school there were three groups. There was three room and a bathroom for each group, one gym for the somatic movement education and a ballbath. One group consisted of 20 children. They are in the age of 3-5 years. Outside there was a small playground. Most of them were able to count up to one hundred and some of them could even write all the letters and some words. Even calculation was not a big problem for some children. And all this they learned without s.o. forcing them. They did it only because they wanted to learn it. They also helped each other. This is important because it encourages the social and emotional development of each child. This impressed me because I don´t take this behavior for granted in today´s society. At midday there was a meal for everybody. This took about one and a half hours, so this was very extensive. After the meal some children went to take a nap. The others had free play time or the kids who go to school next year took part in the “Münster-project”. That has to do with getting know the school. After that they had a picnic with fruits. At 4.30pm the kids were picked up by their parents. Last week was a very nice and interesting time. I really enjoyed it and I have learned a lot.
Frage von Steffi_Pippi | am 24.08.2011 - 17:51

Beiträge 27
Antwort von Steffi_Pippi | 24.08.2011 - 19:46
mir keiner meine fehler sagen ?

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Antwort von Desire03 (ehem. Mitglied) | 24.08.2011 - 23:03
Hallo Steffi_Pippi,

There was three room and a bathroom for each group,..

Den Satz verstehe ich nicht. Wenn es ein Raum war, der so hieß, musst du das irgendwie verständlich machen. Wenn du aufzählen willst, dass es drei Räume gab, musst du es abändern.

- Das Wort gibt es so nicht. Ich glaube man schreibt es entweder auseinander oder mit Bindestrich, aber schau es einfach nochmal nach, kann auch sein, dass ich mich irre.

And all this they learned without s.o. forcing them.

Ich würde es umformulieren, etwa zu "They learned all this without being forced" oder so.

This took about one and a half hours

"This took about an hour and a half" muss es hier heißen

The others had free play time or the kids who go to school next year

" play time, the ones who will go to school next year.."

..getting to know..

I really enjoyed it and I have learned a lot.

Da musst du die gleiche Zeit verwenden, schau da nochmal nach.


Antwort von GAST | 25.08.2011 - 08:51
Ich denke, du willst über "my practical training" berichten; die einzigen Male, in denen du von dir selbst berichtest, sind die völlig belanglosen - und bitte auf jeden Fall zu streichenden - Äußerungen wie :
I woke up at 6.00 o´clock
I rang the door bell

Du hast sonst nur das Konzept der "nursery school" beschrieben; was du tatsächlich dort getan hast, wie du dich eingebracht hast, welches Kind dir z.B. besonders aufgefallen ist, wie du mit ihm gearbeitet hast .... Fehlanzeige.

Inhaltlich hast du schlicht und einfach das Thema verfehlt.

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