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The old man and the see (esay)

Frage: The old man and the see (esay)
(7 Antworten)

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Hi Leute. Ich weiß ist eine Menge was ich reingepostet habe, aber würde jemand sich das durchlesen und die Rechtschreibfehler anmerken?


Manolin (boy) sees in the old man a father-figure which he lacks in his life.
While his parents admire the more susseccfull fishermen (and him, hence, also to these want to send) Manolin estimates other values higher. Manolin reacts to the patience, wisdom and friendliness of the old person cooperatively because he feels taken seriously. Also she connects her common interest in sport (baseball).
Some see in it the interpretation that one should rather give more attention to children to make them better people instead of straightening them blind on success.
Manolin is a boat boy who learned all about the fishing from Santiago and they are friends. The first 40 days Manolin fished with the old man, but after 40 days without of catch the old man sailed out with out Manolin. The parents of Manolin have forbidden him to fish with the old man let him fish with other fisherman who have more luck. That has made the boy sad to see the old man come back with his empty boat. But he was ever going down to him to help him with his equipment. Every evening they drank beer together and they talk about baseball or the old man tell Manolin stories about the places where he was as he was boat boy in his youth. Manolin asked the old man ones to sailed out with him again, but the old man said no. Manolin try it again and again but the old man remained stubborn and said :” are on a lucky boat, so stay there …”. Them both could remember the first day as they sailed out together for the first time. As Manolin told it to Santiago, Santiago became sentimental and said:”... If you where my son, I would take you with me, ...”. that shows what kind of an close relationship them both have with each other. The relationship between the old man and the young boy is like father and son. To outstanding people it look like Santiago were the grandfather of Manolin.
Manolin admired the stamina of the old man. Santiago never lost the confidence and was always positive. With his experience of life knows he, that every new day offer a new chance. The boy impressed by the strength and bravery of the old man.
After the old man had arrived home and brought the biggest fishbone that the boy have ever see, the boy has started to cry. As the old man said that they have beaten him, Manolin answered :”... no doesn´t, no the fish doesn´t beaten you.” Santiago answered again :”No, really. He wasn´t it.”
Manolin was the only one who believed in Santiago and the big fish was the proof. Now he was more proud to Santiago than ever befor. This fishbone confirmed the likeness of Santiago to Manolin.
Frage von Vitalik2 (ehem. Mitglied) | am 25.07.2011 - 17:29

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Antwort von Rickyy (ehem. Mitglied) | 25.07.2011 - 19:12
Manolin (boy) (musst du in einem Essay nicht anmerken) sees in the old man a father-figure which he lacks in his life.
While his parents admire the more successfull fishermen (and him, hence, also to these want to send) (Den Satz kapiere ich nicht) Manolin estimates other values higher.
He reacts to the patience, wisdom and friendliness of the old person cooperatively because he feels taken seriously. Also he (War das nicht eben noch ein Junge?!) connects her common interest in sports (baseball).
Some see in it the interpretation that one should rather give more attention to children to make them better people instead of straighten them blind on success.
Manolin is a boat boy who learned all about the fishing from Santiago and they are friends. The first 40 days Manolin fished with the old man, but after 40 days without of catch the old man sailed out without Manolin. The parents of Manolin forbid him to fish with the old man and want him to fish with other fisherman who have more luck. That made the boy sad to see the old man coming back with his empty boat. But he never went down to help him with his equipment. Every evening they drank beer together and they talked about baseball or the old man told Manolin stories about the places where he was as he was a boat boy in his youth. Manolin asked the old man whether he would sail out with him again, but the old man said no. Manolin tried it again and again but the old man remained stubborn and said :” are on a lucky boat, so stay there …”. Then both could remember the first day as they sailed out together for the first time. As Manolin told Santiago, Santiago became sentimental and said:”... If you where my son, I would take you with me, ...”. that shows what kind of an close relationship they both have with each other. The relationship between the old man and the young boy is like father and son. To outstanding people it looks like Santiago was the grandfather of Manolin.
Manolin admired the stamina of the old man. Santiago never lost confidence and was always positive. With his experience of life he knows, that every new day offers a new chance. The boy is impressed by the strength and bravery of the old man.
After the old man had arrived home and brought the biggest fish that the boy have ever seen, the boy has started to cry. As the old man said that they have beaten him, Manolin answered :”... no they didn´t, no the fish hasn`t beaten you.” Santiago answered again :”No, really. He wasn´t it.”
Manolin was the only one who believed in Santiago and the big fish was the proof. Now he was more proud to Santiago than ever before. This fishbone confirmed the likeness of Santiago to Manolin.

Soo das war erstmal das gröbste...
Allgemein ist mir aufgefallen, das du die Zeiten einfach wechselst wie du lustig bist, du musst jedoch bei einer bleiben!
Außerdem habe ich persönlich keinen Plan von was die Geschichte ist alles sehr wirr geschrieben und ohne eine passende Einleitung weiß niemand worum es geht.
Außerdem frage ich mich was für eine Textsorte das sein soll. Eine Zusammenfassung?

Ach ja eins noch: Man sagt es zwar immer wieder aber HE,SHE,IT das "s" muss mit!

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Antwort von Rickyy (ehem. Mitglied) | 25.07.2011 - 19:14
Ich habe außerdem gerade gesehen, dass die ersten Sätze komplett einfach nur von einem anderen Nutzer übersetzt wurden! Schreib was eigenes!

P.S. Sorry für den Doppelpost!

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Antwort von Vitalik2 (ehem. Mitglied) | 26.07.2011 - 17:11
Hi. Danke für deine Hilfe.
Habe noch eine Einlaeitung dazu geschrieben und den Text nochmal überarbeitet. Wenn du magst schau dir das nochmal durch. Danek im Voraus.

The novel acts about an old fisher who get no catch since 84 days but he don´t give up. On an early morning he sailed out very far out and cached the biggest fish (Marlin) that he ever see. After a fight with the fish, that takes over two days he killed him but on the way home sharks eat the fish and let only bones behind.
The boy Manolin sees in the old man a father-figure which he lacks in his life. While his parents admire the more successful fishermen Manolin values other things more.
Manolin reacts cooperatively to the patience, wisdom and friendliness of the old person because he feels taken seriously. They are also connected by their common interest in baseball.
Some people might interpret this relationship as a hint towards the fact that parents need to pay attention to the needs of their children. One should provide children with guidance to enable them to become good people who are not only blindly seeking success. Manolin is a deckhand who learned a lot about fishing from Santiago and they are friends.
During the first 40 days Manolin fished with the old man they didn`t catch anything.
So the boy`s parents have forbidden him to fish with the old man and send Manolin out with other fishermen who are more successful. Seeing the old man coming back with his empty boat made the boy feel sad. So he always went down to help him with his equipment. Every evening the old man and the boy drank beer together and they talked about baseball or the old man told Manolin stories about the places he saw when he worked on a boat in his early life. Manolin asked the old man if he could sail out with him again, but the old man said no.
Manolin tried it again later but the old man`s reply remained unchanged.
He said :” are on a lucky boat, so stay there …”. Both kept the first day they sailed out together in fond memory. When Manolin shared his thoughts with the old man, Santiago said sentimentally:”... If you where my son, I would take you with me, ...”. This demonstrates what kind of close relationship / strong bond they had. The relationship between the old man and the young boy was like father and son. To outsiders Santiago seemed like the grandfather of Manolin. Manolin admired the stamina of the old man. The boy was impressed by the strength and bravery of the old man. Santiago never lost his confidence and was always positive. He knew from experience, that every new day offers a new chance.
After the old man had arrived home with the biggest fishbone, the boy had ever seen, the boy started to cry. When the old man said that they have beaten him, Manolin answered :”... no the fish didn`t beat you.” Santiago answered again :”No, really. He wasn`t it.”
Manolin was the only one who believed in Santiago and the big fish was the proof.
Now he was more proud of Santiago than ever before.
For Manolin this fishbone confirmed Santiago`s philosophy that every day is an opportunity to achieve great things.

Antwort von GAST | 27.07.2011 - 11:59
Die Schlampigkeit deines Textes und die Deinteressiertheit im Umgang mit diesem Stück erkennt man schon daran, dass du nicht mal in der Lage bist, den Titel dieses Hemingway -romanes richtig zu schreiben.

Ich benutze hier einen externen PC der Kurverwaltung Westerland/Sylt, der keine copy-funktion hat - ansonsten hätte ich dir gern die 38 Fehler markiert, die noch in dem Text sind.

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Antwort von wombatz (ehem. Mitglied) | 27.07.2011 - 16:06
The novel acts about an old fisher who get no catch..

What novel? Written by who?....

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Antwort von Vitalik2 (ehem. Mitglied) | 27.07.2011 - 17:37
Ist doch immerwieder das geliche. Irgend so ein Sesselfurzer muß immer einem irgendwie reinwürgen. Das galt Halo

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Antwort von Vitalik2 (ehem. Mitglied) | 27.07.2011 - 17:40
Ich musste an diesem Esay sehr lange arbeiten und das in einer fremndsprache und wo ich mich richtig reingehängt habe. Es ist in ordnung mich auf Fehler aufmerksam zu machen, aber ich muss mir von keinem Arsch hier sagen lassen wie faul ich bin. Entweder postet ihr was hilfreiches, oder lasst es ganz.

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