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Dringenst Korrektur benötigt

Frage: Dringenst Korrektur benötigt
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Ladies and gentlemen, it`s an honaur for me to be here today.
I want to discuss a quite interest quotation from Algor: "Solutions are in our hands". It sounds good. Everybody thinks, that we can save our world, if we want. The past confirm the thesis. The human race have done much things for living in a better world. Many illnesses, for example cancer are curable, which were without medicin a death sentence. The whole life of a person has been better. A big advantage are technics, which inspect many duties, especially in household. Or do they too much? After all, there was a plane disaster, because the technics have fail. The pilot had no chance to rescue the plane. In my mind, the right using makes the greatest win of technics. There are solution, which were for half of the persons important and the others said : What`s that?". An actually topic is the new train station in Stuttgart. There are about 50% for a remodelling and the others think that`s senseless, to change the train station, if it works. Another fact is, that we knowing the problem, but the solution needs a long time. The social injustice makes a big problem. The rich ones flying to moonfor about one million dollar and afrcicans starve, because they have not enough food. In our todays world of globalisation were food discard, but people in developing countries die of hunger. It needs a very long time to remove this contrast. I have to say, that some solutions exist only for money. In Germany have to be change some things, for observing the actually laws. An example: absolutely functioning waterpipes have to be renew, because they are too old. That means they have to be taken away for new ones, which cost a lot of money. But you feel the differnce: your money is lost. In this case, it`s sometimes heplful to say: "Be slower as your problems and they run away from you." Rather we have to work on important problems, for example AIDS. Until now there is no really a medicin against this dangerous disease. Also dangerous is terrorism. It`s a part of this problems, which have no solutions. We only can do some measures of protection, but we haven`t a chance to remove it. I mean the most problems, which are exist, has the human race produce. Think about youself: For how many problems do you such a solution, which are made by youself or by other people?
Thank you for your attention.

Vielen Dank.
Frage von lieschene (ehem. Mitglied) | am 16.06.2011 - 16:39

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