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english Korrektur

Frage: english Korrektur
(5 Antworten)

der englische Tecxt:

The cliché, "What goes around, comes around," is the American definition for Karma.

Karma--from the root kri, "to do"--is the means by which you become the architect of your own destiny.
The word karma literally means deed, but implies the entire cycle of cause and its effects. According to the law of karma, every human action--in thought, word, or deed-- inevitably leads to results or consequences, positive or negative, depending upon the quality of the action.

Karma deals with causality. A specific action leads to a specific result. A positive act will lead to a positive result, hence, to the experience of positive events, may it be in this life or in future ones. On the other hand, negative acts will unavoidably sooner or later lead to suffering. This is the Law of Cause and Effect of itself, because the result will unavoidably correspond to the nature of the cause. For example, if you plant a seed, a certain kind of plant will grow from this. From a bean seed, a bean plant will grow; from an apple seed an apple tree will grow and not any other kind. The effects of a deed, word or thought, sometimes are immediate but in some cases many days, months, years or lives elapse until the precise time comes about. Buddha said: "Our good and evil deeds follow us continually like shadows."

You need to remember that thoughts and words are also considered as karma. To desire is also a sort of action, so you need to be very aware of your bad desires to get rid of them immediately. Negative emotions such as anger, hatred, envy, egoism, jealousy, etc. are also wrongful actions leading to negative reactions--suffering, so we need to keep in mind that each of our physical, emotional, verbal or mental actions has their repercussions in the whole Universe.


zusammenfassung schreiben
think of exampl in you life that sem to prove the proverb right/wrong



In the text “What goes around, comes around” happen about Karma. Karma means literally deed, but implies the entire cycle of cause and its effects.
There are negative and positive act. Buddha said: Our good and evil deeds follow us continually like shadows.
There are also negative emotions, for example anger, hatred etc.

andere aufgabe:

Negative emotions: that is true in my life, for example, if one of my family dead, I am sad.
GAST stellte diese Frage am 09.06.2011 - 01:08

Antwort von GAST | 09.06.2011 - 07:32
[---] the text “What goes around, comes around” is about Karma.
Karma literally means deed, but implies the entire cycle of cause and its effects.
There are negative and positive acts. Buddha said: Our good and evil deeds follow us continually like shadows.
There are also negative emotions, for example anger, hatred
etc (1).

andere aufgabe:

Negative emotions: that is true in my life(2), for example, if
a member of my family died, I would be sad.

(1) never / never: etc hat in einem schriftlichen (Prüfungs)text nichts zu suchen: entweder du weißt was, dann schreibst du es hin ansonsten wird Wissen nur vorgetäuscht.
(2) ich weiß nicht, was du hiermit sagen willst

Ich habe den Text nur korrigiert; inhaltlich ist er "ungenügend = Note 6"

Antwort von GAST | 09.06.2011 - 18:32
wiespo 6? ich sollte doch eine zusammenfassung machen und dass ist das wichtigste und aufgba e2 war dass

think of exampl in you life that sem to prove the proverb right/wrong


Negative emotions: That is true, for example, if
a member of my family died, I would be sad.

Antwort von GAST | 09.06.2011 - 22:25
Eine "Zusammenfassung" bedeutet die Erstellung eines Textes nach festen Regeln:

1. Du musst in einem Einleitungssatz den Titel, den Autor, Erscheinungsort und -jahr des Textes sowie eine kürzest-Zusammenfassung schreiben.
2. Du solltest dann sagen: (in etwa): der Text gliedert sich in drei Teile, den ersten Abschnitt könnte man mit "Erklärung des Wotes Karma" überschreiben; der Autor definiert "Karma" als ....
Im zweiten Abschnitt (mit der möglichen Überschrift "Wirkweise des Karma") beschreibt der Autor auf welche Weise das Karma das <le ben des Menschen beeinflusst ...
Der dritte Abschnitt könnte die Überschrift "der mensch und sein Karma"tragen, er belegt, wie Gedanken, Worte und Gefühle des Menschen seine Umwelt im weiteren Sinne beeinflussen.

So, und nun vergleiche bitte mit deiner Fassung.

Antwort von GAST | 09.06.2011 - 22:29
The text “What goes around, comes around” is about Karma.

Karma is an act of volition, an effect, destiny or an action. There are two different acts. There are the negative and positive acts. For example, if you plant a seed, a certain kind of plant will grow of this.
There are also negative emotions, for example anger, hatred, shame, blame, regret, resentment, anger

Antwort von GAST | 09.06.2011 - 22:42
Mach es doch einfach so, wie du es gerade aus der Privat-Nachricht erfahren hast.
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