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Englisch Korrektur

Frage: Englisch Korrektur
(4 Antworten)

Similarly, his concerts got shorter and shorter.
As a result his health suffered.
Compared to write the book alone, wrote the book the three bodyguards.
Of course he was so nervous on the stage.

Summing up, I think he was an ill man.
Even though he is die, the people her song always.
In particular was her (grabstein). It wrote “Elvis Aaron Presley”.
Surprisingly appearance the book Elvis: “What happened?”
The death was amazing. For example: After her death came 80000 people for her funeral.
It is true, that Elvis die at 3:30 pm at Baptist Memorial Hospital.
Here in Graceland was Elves funeral.
Elvis do not write the book. In other words, it wrote the three bodyguards.
Later after Elvis die. It came on Thursday August 18. 80000 people.
On August 16, 1977 he began an another tour. At 3:30 pm Elvis die at Baptist Memorial Hospital.
GAST stellte diese Frage am 08.05.2011 - 20:32

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Antwort von matata | 08.05.2011 - 21:31
Was war die Aufgabe zu diesem Text? Was soll man korrigieren? Gibt es einen Text,
auf den du dich beziehst und den man im Internet lesen kann - wo?
________________________ - Team

Antwort von GAST | 08.05.2011 - 21:48
es sind einzelnde sätze.

die aufgabe war, dass ich zu den einzeldenn sätze verschiedene signalwörter hinzufüge bei dem ersen satz

Similarly, his concerts got shorter and shorter. Similarly enthalten sein usw.

dan kommt:
as a result, compared to, of course, summing up, even though, in particular, surprisingly, for example, it is true, here, in other words, later und on

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Antwort von Just_Meee_xD (ehem. Mitglied) | 08.05.2011 - 22:17
By way of comparison, his concerts got shorter and shorter.

As a result his health suffered.
-> His health began to suffer because the pressure wasn`t sufferable.

Compared to write the book alone, wrote the book the three bodyguards.

->He wrote the book "Three Bodyguards" by himself.

Of course he was so nervous on the stage.

-> On stage he was naturally nervous.
-> On stage he was uptight.

Summing up, I think he was an ill man.

Even though he is die, the people her song always.
->Even though he`s dead, the people still listen his songs.

In particular was her gravestone. Keine Ahnung was du damit sagen wolltest

It wrote “Elvis Aaron Presley”.
On his gravestone is written "Elvis Aaron Presley".

Surprisingly appearance the book Elvis: “What happened?”
-> Keine Ahnung was du damit wieder meinst (:
-> Erstaunllicherweise Erscheinung das Buch Elsvis: Was ist passiert?

-> Surprisingly the Book "Elvis: What happened?" was published.

The death was amazing. For example: After her death came 80000 people for her funeral.

-> His dead has affect the people. As example: 80000 people came to his funeral.

It is true, that Elvis die at 3:30 pm at Baptist Memorial Hospital.
-> It`s the truth. Elvis died at 3:30 pm at...

Here in Graceland was Elvis funeral.

Elvis do not write the book. In other words, it wrote the three bodyguards.

->Elvis dosen`t write the book.
->In other words, the three Bodyguard wrote the book.

Later after Elvis die.
-> After Elvis death.

On August 16, 1977 he began a another tour.

Bin mir nicht sicher was du eigentlich schreiben wolltest.
Ich hoffe es passt so bin mir nicht zu 100% sicher.

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Antwort von Just_Meee_xD (ehem. Mitglied) | 08.05.2011 - 22:19
Ich habe erst jetzt gelesen, dass du da Signalwörter hinzufügen solltest.

Ach was für ein Mist.

Aber die Sätze mit den Signalwörtern die du geschrieben hast hat hinten und vorne nicht zusammengepasst.

Tut mir Leid.

Verstoß melden
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