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Frage: Engliiisch text korrigierenn...
(4 Antworten)

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Halloooo (:
habe wieder einen text..

und hätte es gerne das es kontrolliert wird

About John

John T. Unger was 16 years old and cames from Hades near Mississippi River.
He went to St Midas school near Boston.
St Midas school is the most expensive school in the world.
John spent his summer in their classmates fashionable holiday homes. One of summer he spent his summer at Percy`s home.
He has met with Kismine and fell in love.
Frage von dzana (ehem. Mitglied) | am 12.01.2011 - 20:09

Antwort von GAST | 12.01.2011 - 20:12
...and came from Hades...

One summer...
He has met Kismine...

glaube ich zumindest... :)

Beiträge 1504
Antwort von schorly | 12.01.2011 - 20:15
About John

John T. Unger was 16 years old and came from Hades near Mississippi River. He went to the St. Midas school near Boston.
The St. Midas school is the most expensive school in the world.
John spent his summer in his classmates fashionable holiday homes. Another summer he spent his holidays at Percy`s home.
He met Kismine and fell in love.

ich denk so passts? =)

Antwort von GAST | 12.01.2011 - 20:25
schorlys Korrektur enthält noch ein paar Fehlerchen:

John T. Unger was 16 years old and came from Hades near the Mississippi River. He went to [---](1) St. Midas school near Boston.
[---](1)St. Midas school is the most expensive school in the world.
John spent his summer at his classmate`s fashionable holiday home. Another summer he spent his holidays at Percy`s home.
He met Kismine and fell in love with her.

1)Eigenname im Engl. ohne bestimmten Artikel!

old- but-alert

Beiträge 1504
Antwort von schorly | 12.01.2011 - 20:32
oh ja danke, hab ich übersehn, na ja bin ja auch nicht perfekt :)

könnte man das "with her" auch weglassen? ich glaub nicht oder? weil ja dann die frage bleibt in wen er sich verliebt hat...?

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