Coming of age (Lorri Hewett)
Frage: Coming of age (Lorri Hewett)(1 Antwort)
Könnte mir bitte jemand genauere Charakterisierungen zu AJ und seiner Familie geben..Dies hab ich bereits gefunden..!Danke schon mal.. Lorri Hewett über Coming of Age This novel explored the themes of alienation from the points of view of a suburban teenager recently transplanted to the city, a girl of mixed race who feels she isn`t accepted by the black or the white community, and a popular athlete who experiences the shallowness of major university recruiting. The novel “Coming of Age”, written 1991 by Lorri Hewett, is about the life and typical racial problems in American high schools. It was Lorri Hewett´s first book she wrote when she was 18 years old. In her opinion there was not enough fiction available which dealt with the experiences of black young adults, so she decided to write this book when she was still in high school. She realized from her own experiences that it is not easy to grow up as a black-skinned person. The novel describes the life of the three main characters AJ, Ruthie and Erika. AJ is the most famous, black-skinned football player at Centennial High, Erika is light-skinned and his girlfriend, but they do not really love each other, it is more a sexual relationship they’re having. In the development of the story AJ gets to know the all-teacher’s pet Ruthie. First of all he thinks she is just a grind and a show-off, bus as he gets to know her better, he realizes she is a really special person. There are also many racial problems between the different cliques at Centennial High, but while the story develops, some of the main characters start finding their identity. In my opinion the novel was a very interesting book to read as the reader is able to understand the problems of young black adults. With the first page of the book the reader enters a totally different world with another culture and a different English as he usually knows: There are a lot of slang expressions which the characters use. (“Yeah. See ya! (…)Whassup?”(…) Nothin. Comin back to school now?”(cp. p. 106 l.13)) I would recommend the book to other people (which includes private readers and classes) because it is a good base to understand the feelings and the world of black-skinned teenagers in the US. |
GAST stellte diese Frage am 12.12.2010 - 09:12 |
Antwort von GAST | 12.12.2010 - 10:42 |
Bevor du hier den Text einstellst, old-but-alert |
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