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Korrektur: Englisch

Frage: Korrektur: Englisch
(4 Antworten)

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Hallo ich brauche eure Hilfe, ich habe ein text geschrieben aber ich weis nicht ob ich Fehler habe

My host family in Britain lived in a beautiful built cottage.
Although my host father obviously dind`t have a high paid job, the house was good equipped with all the latest gadgets. Clearm they felt very proudly of it.
When we talked together, Ifound that I could express myself more easier than I could understand what they said. It was only after I had asked them to talk more slow thah I was able to follow.
They often spoke to me funnily, and not nuch they said was meant to be taken total serious. They often appeared seriously seriously while they were speaking, but they were joking all the same.
At the weekends, my host family went usually to the pub and let me meet their friends. I will be eternal grateful for their generous hospitality.

Frage von Pau93 (ehem. Mitglied) | am 07.11.2010 - 20:17

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Antwort von Pau93 (ehem. Mitglied) | 07.11.2010 - 20:38
ich brauche erure hilfe :$

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Antwort von Pau93 (ehem. Mitglied) | 07.11.2010 - 20:51
Bitte bitte :$ Ich brauche eure hilfe... ich will nicht wieder 7 punkte =(

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Antwort von cimaral (ehem. Mitglied) | 07.11.2010 - 23:07
My host family in Britain lived in a beautiful built cottage. Although my host father didn`t have a highly paid job, the house was well equipped with all the latest gadgets. Obviously, they felt very proudly of it.
When we talked, I found out that I could express myself much easier than I could understand what they said. It was only after I had asked them to talk slowlier so that I was able to follow.
They often spoke to me funnily and not everything they said was to be taken seriously. They often appeared seriously as they were speaking, but they were joking all the time.
On the weekends, my host family usually went to a pub and let me meet their (bist du sicher, dass du die Freunde der Gastfamilie besucht hast?) friends. I will always be grateful for their generous hospitality.

Beiträge 176
Antwort von Timea | 07.11.2010 - 23:44
My host family in Britain lived in a beautifulLY built(schön gebaut; oder NUR schön, dann nur "beautiful") cottage. Although my host father obviously DIDN`t have a highLY paid job, the house was WELL equipped with all the latest gadgets. Clearly/Obviously they felt very proud(!) of it.
When we talked, I found that I could express myself easier than I could understand what they said. It was only after I had asked them to talk more slowLY that I was able to follow.
They often made jokes and not everything they said was meant to be taken total seriousLY. They often appeared to be serious while they were speaking, but they were joking all the time.
At the weekends, my host family usually went to the pub and let me meet their friends. I will always be grateful for their generous hospitality.

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