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Frage: Korrektur
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The First Empire is referred to the following events: In the 17th and 18th centuries the British navigators and settlers founded new colonies. The influential merchants formed trading companies in London. The driving forces was commercial and military interests. The colonies function exploited as sources of raw materials. Oil, dyes, jute and cotton are grown favorably from slaves in the colonies and were expensive sold worldwide. Tea was shipped from India to Boston Harbor. The participants protest there against the monopoly of East India Company and the tax on the tea at the Boston Tea Party (1773). the American Revolution and the independence movement followed.The American War of Independence separates the American colonies from the British crown.
The Second Empire began towards the end of the 18th century when Captain Hook discovered New Zealand and Australia. Convicts from England were shipped to Australia as a punishment. After the loss of her territories in North America Britain tried to compence for this loss by the acquisition. The East India Company brought more and more colonies under the British control. Now there is more exerting political influence. The colonial office was created after this in 1801. The British civil imposed institutions and methods of government. Whereas in the 17th and 18th centuries they had concentrated on trade and military strategy alone, they became more political influence and administrating the colonies and territories. Another fact is that Queen Victoria (1819-1901) became the popular symbol of success in the world. By the beginning of the First World War Britain ruled over many parts of America, Africa, Asia and Australia. It became the richest nation. At the end of the 19th and to begin of the 20th century the desire for the independence becomes stronger. There came trouble in Canada. That is why Britain decided that Canada must decide on international affairs on itself. Australia, New Zealand, the Union of South Africa followed after the First World War, but they kept close political links to Britain. The British Commonwealth was originated.
Driving views on the British Empire were the following: Britain’s colonial politic ruling over great parts of the world. This destroyed cultures and traditions of native peoples. The inhabitants of the colonies believe in superiority of British nation. But the relationship to the Britons was not good. Finally, Britain’s unchecked quest for power and search for commercial success are responsible for a ruthless exploitation of the colonies. However, British rule brought security and freedom in the country. The old hierarchical structure broken up in India and Africa. The Britons build schools and hospitals. The legacy of the Empire alive for the Britons.

That is the way from the Empire to the Commonwealth: Britain response to increasing movements for indepence. They adopted policy of granting considerable. Next to all countries which one after another gained independence in course of 20th century decided to keep their ties with their old colonial rulers, which resulted in transformation of Empire into Commonwealth. Britain loose voluntary association of sovereign and independent states. A group of self-governing communities composed of Britain. and dominions. The members of Commonwealth maintain ties of friendship and cooperation. Britain’s monarch is the symbolic head of association. India which became independent in 1947 continues to the membership of Commonwealth. Many countries did this in the 50s and 60s too. Some former colonies chose the Commonwealth to influence European population and to have commercial considerations. Today the Commonwealth has 54 members.
The role of the Commonwealth today is as follows: The Commonwealth organize programms which are in the interest of all members. The countries work together to make their economies stronger, to improve their systems of government and to improve the skills of their people. The policies and activities are then coordinated and carried out through the Commonwealth Secretariat. The United Kingdom finances about 30 % of the programmes – a fact which shows that the British government is committed to still keeping close ties with its former colonies. Members keep to the principle of democratic government and that observe human rights. These shared political values. Nigeria, Sierra Leone and Pakistan have been criticized for undemocratic government and they have been urged to return to democracy. Pakistan was suspended from the councils of the Commonwealth following the military coup there in October 1999. At their 1999 meeting in South Africa the Commonwealth members expressed their willingness to accept “the challenge of globalization”. Recognising that the nature of the Commonwealth has changed since it was first established the members proposed that an expert group should be established to consider how to modernize the organization to meet the demands of the 21st century. After the loss of her colonies east of Suez Great Britain was no longer a superpower, with the USA and the Soviet Union having taken over this position. Britain’s new challenge has been to find her place in Europe since the 70s and to arrange and keep the ties with her former colonies at the same time.
GAST stellte diese Frage am 02.11.2010 - 22:01

Antwort von GAST | 02.11.2010 - 22:10
euch das zu viel vllt nur abschnitte das würde mir auch schon sehr weiter helfen

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Antwort von peachi-princess (ehem. Mitglied) | 02.11.2010 - 22:17
The First Empire is referred to the following events: In the 17th and 18th centuries the British navigators and settlers founded new colonies. The influential merchants formed trading companies in London. The driving forces were commercial and military interests. The colonies function exploited as sources of raw materials. Oil, dyes, jute and cotton were grown favourably from slaves in the colonies and were expensive sold worldwide. Tea was shipped from India to Boston Harbour. The participants protest there against the monopoly of East India Company and the tax on the tea at the Boston Tea Party (1773). It was followed by the American Revolution and the independence movement. The American War of Independence separated the American colonies from the British crown.
The Second Empire began towards the end of the 18th century, when Captain Hook discovered New Zealand and Australia. Convicts from England were shipped to Australia as a punishment. After the loss of her territories in North America, Britain tried to commence for this loss by the acquisition. The East India Company brought more and more colonies under British control. Thenceforward, there was more exerting political influence. The colonial office was created after this in 1801. The British civil imposed institutions and methods of government. Whereas in the 17th and 18th centuries they had concentrated on trade and military strategy only, they became more ? political influence and administrating the colonies and territories.

Das wäre jetzt mal der anfang. Ich habe jetz tnur ein paar dinge vebessert, aber allgemein musst du drauf achten nciht in der zeit so herum zu springen und an den meisten Satzanfängen benutzt du immer "the..." versuch das mal du umschreiben :)

Antwort von GAST | 02.11.2010 - 22:19
oh vdanke schön hilft mir schon sehr weiter.
vllt korregiert noch jmd den rest?

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Antwort von Senkura (ehem. Mitglied) | 02.11.2010 - 23:02
Let`s start with the first text ;)

The driving forces were
..exploited sources of raw materials "was meinst du mit as sources?"
..favorably by slaves..and were sold expensively worldwide.
The participants protested against the monopoly of the east Indian companies as well as tax of teas at the..
The independence...followed "directly". Was meinst du mit dem Satz?
..war of independence seperated the..

After the loss of their territories...,Britain tried to "compence"? "was meinst du damit"?
The east Indian companies brought more and more colonies under the control of Britain.
The colonial office was created thereafter in the year 1801.
The British civil "war"?..of the government.
Whereas....they were rather concentrated in trading and military strategies. As a consequence, they had more political influences..
In the beginning.., Britain ruled..It grew to the most prosperous Nation.[/b]
At the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century, the desire to become independence was strengthened..
Though, trouble appeared in Canada. Therefore, Britain decided to let Canada take care of theirselves, especially with the international affairs.
Australia..and the Union..
Driving views.."erklärung bitte"
Britains colonial politics ruled over..
They annihilated cultures as well as the traditions of native people.
Even though the inhabitants believed in the superiority of the British Nation, their relationship was not good at all.

Den Rest guck ich mir später an.

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Antwort von Senkura (ehem. Mitglied) | 02.11.2010 - 23:32
Du musst dich aber wirklich entscheiden, was für eine Zeit du benutzen willst. In diesem Fall wäre Simple Past die beste Zeit, da diese Dinge schon abgeschlossen sind. Simple Present macht keinen Sinn ;)
Bis dahin ist es gut geschrieben, musst aber versuchen mehr connectives zu benutzen, um die Sätze besser aussehen zu lassen. Oft wiederholst du dich, und das musst du versuchen zu vermeiden. Guck mir den Rest wahrscheinlich Morgen an.

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