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Frage: Englisch HA
(4 Antworten)

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Wer kann mal drüber lesen ob man das so als Kurzbericht über eine London Klassenfhrt so schreiben kann

Hello Mum,
On Monday we sail from France to England.
The journey was very funny. The view it very fantastic and wonderful. At the first we visit Dover castle. At the castle we saw statue, cannonballs and a landtrain. Than we drive to Greenwichpark. There was the meridian of origin. At the next we sail with a boat. From the boat we saw many fantastic and typical London attractions. Later Meike and I go to the host family. The host mum was nice but the house was very horrible, becuse it was broken and dirty. The foot wasn’t good.In the morning at the next day we goes to the breakfast. We eat Toast. Meike eat her toast with choclate and i with butter. Than we meet us with our class at the bus. At first we do a sightseeingtour in London. The bus stopt at a statue and at the thames. Then we walk tot he subway and drive to Camden market and go shopping. Later we goto Madame Tussads. That was the best day in this week becuse Madame Tussads was very cool. At the host family we eat to dinner. We eat beans, potatos,carotts and sausages it was very terible. At Wednesday we drive tot he st. Paul‘ cathedral. Before weg o in the cathedral we have very big fun. At next we go to the London Eye. In front oft he London Eye, there was very crazy figures. The view from London Eye is very wonderfuland fantastic.Meike and I go to the Mc Donalds but in germany it is better. In the afternoon Meike and I was at the host family. On this day was the dinner delicious. The familywas ok we watch tv with the host family. That was nice. On Thursday we visit the Tower. Form e it wasn’t so cool. But than we go to the Dungeon that was very cool. Than we drive with the ferry to France. Nadine, Lulu and Iwas on the back oft he ferry that was very cool becuse it was dark,wonderful and magical.
Frage von littlgabi (ehem. Mitglied) | am 17.10.2010 - 22:51

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Antwort von matata | 17.10.2010 - 23:34
Seid ihr wirklich gesegelt?

to go by ferry boat/ to go by ferry /Vergangenheit: we went...
Ärmelkanal: British Channel /English Channel
visit /visited in der Vergangenheit

Der Nullmeridian ist immer noch in Greenwich: There is the

Greenwich meridian [geog.] der Nullmeridian
meridian of origin [geog.] [astr.] Nullmeridian[Geodäsie]
prime meridian [geog.] der Nullmeridian
zero meridian [geog.] der Nullmeridian

To go by boat on the River Thames
to stop / stoped in Vergangenheit

The food was awfull
to drive /we drove in Vergangenheit
to have / we had
The view from London Ey is really fantastic

<cool> hat in erster Linie etwas mit der Temperatur zu tun, obwohl es in der familiären Sprache auch verwendet wird wie <geil>
- ininspiring / inspiring
- exiting / nonexiting
- thrilling
- interesting
- juicy
________________________ - Team

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Antwort von cimaral (ehem. Mitglied) | 17.10.2010 - 23:55

Achte auf das durchgängige Benutzen einer Zeit und die Satzstellung.
Zeitangaben kommen zum Schluss oder werden durch Komma getrennt.
Versuch die Satzanfänge und Verben (z.B. wonderful, cool) mehr zu variieren. Viel Glück!

Hello Mum,
We sailed from France to England on monday . The journey was very funny. The view was fantastic and wonderful. We visited Dover Castle at first. At the castle, we saw statues, cannonballs and a landtrain. We drove then to Greenwichpark. There was the meridian of origin. Sailing with a boat was the next. We saw many fantastic and typical London attractions from the boat. Later, Meike and I went to our host family. The host mum was nice but the house was horrible, because it was broken and dirty. The food wasn’t good, too. We went for breakfast the next day. We ate Toast. Meike ate her toast with chocolate and I with butter. After that, we met our class at the bus. We did a sightseeingtour in London. The bus stopped at a statue and at the Thames. Then we walked to the tube station? and went to Camden market for shopping. Later, we visited Madame Tussaud`s. That was the best day in this week because Madame Tussaud`s was very cool.We had dinner in the host family. We ate beans, potatoes,carotts and sausages and it was terible. On Wednesday, we saw St. Paul‘s Cathedral. Before we went into the cathedral, we had big fun (Was war lustig?). Next point was visiting London Eye. In front of the London Eye, there were many crazy figures. The view from the top of London eye was wonderful. Meike and I went to Mc Donald`s which is better in Germany. In the afternoon, Meike and I were at the host family. On this day, dinner was delicious. The family was alright, we watched TV with them. That was nice. On Thursday, we visited the Tower of London. This wasn’t so cool. But than we went to the London Dungeon and that was great. After that, we drove with the ferry back to France. Nadine, Lulu and I were on the back of the ferry and that was great because it was dark, wonderful and magical.

Antwort von GAST | 18.10.2010 - 02:37
Seid ihr wirklich gesegelt?

meine antwort hat jetzt zwar net mit dem thread zu tun, aber übersetz mal aus dem song break my stride die textzeile "i sailed away to china in a little rowboat to find you" so ungefähr one-to-one ins deutsche

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Antwort von littlgabi (ehem. Mitglied) | 18.10.2010 - 21:46
ich danke euch für die guten Tips nein wir sind nicht gesegelt ich habe es geändert und hoffe nun auf eine gute Note

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