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Englisch- Korrektur

Frage: Englisch- Korrektur
(8 Antworten)


ist das sprachlich und inhaltlich richtig?

The war of independence
The war of independence is a act of rebellion caused war, which ends with the 13 British colonies declares their independence from Britain.

The civil war
This war between the northern states and the the states in the South was caused by the deep economic, social and political division between the states, which came mainly in the slavery issue to light.

Immigration and Industrialisation
The industrialisation is operated by the West with its huge natural resources of oil and timber, many immigrants from Europe and the construction of the railway.

The First World War
America`s entry into the First World War, in cooperation with Britain and France led to the defeat of Germany and Austria.

The great depression and the new deal
During severe economic crisis of the 1930s Franklin D. Roosevelt was elected President on at platform of social reform and industrial recovery called the New Deal and in this way the federal governement spent a lot of money on infrastructure.

The second world war
The USA and Germany declared war on each other after it attacked its navel base at Pearl Harbor in Hawaii.

The cold war
The cold war is a conflict between the U.S. and the Soviet Union, which ends in victory for the Americans and the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1989.

Social reform
The social reform includes the prohibition of racial segregation and welfare programs and although they have made great progress, the problem continues to lie in this area.

ANONYM stellte diese Frage am 15.09.2010 - 22:22

Antwort von GAST | 15.09.2010 - 22:57

ist das sprachlich und inhaltlich richtig?

so lautet deine Eingangsfrage.
Darauf kann ich dir eine ganz kurze und prägnante Antwort geben: "Nein, absolut nicht, unkorrigierbar."


Antwort von GAST | 15.09.2010 - 23:08
Darauf kann ich dir eine ganz kurze und prägnante Antwort geben: "Nein, absolut nicht, unkorrigierbar."

Ok da stimmt Vieles nicht...
aber das ist ein wenig übertrieben...

Beiträge 0
Antwort von RaSh (ehem. Mitglied) | 15.09.2010 - 23:16
The war of independence
The war of independence is an act of rebellion caused war, which ends with the 13 British colonies declaring their independence from Britain.

The civil war
This war between the northern states and the the states in the south was caused by the deep economic, social and political division between the states, which came mainly in the slavery issue to light.

Immigration and Industrialisation
The industrialisation is operated by the west with its huge natural ressources of oil and timber, many immigrants from Europe and the construction of the railway.

The First World War
America`s entry into the First World War, in cooperation with Britain and France led to the defeat of Germany, Austria and Italy.

The great depression and the new deal
During severe economic crisis of the 1930s Franklin D. Roosevelt was elected to the President on at platform of social reform and industrial recovery called the New Deal and in this way the federal governement spent a lot of money on infrastructure.

The second world war
The allies (indcluding The USA) and the axis powers (Germany, Japan, etc) declared the war on each other after attacking its navel base at Pearl Harbor in Hawaii by Germany`s alliance partner Japan.

The cold war
The cold war is a conflict between the U.S. and the Soviet Union, which ends in victory for the Americans and the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1989.

Social reform
The social reform includes the prohibition of racial segregation and welfare programs and although they have made great progress, the problem continues to lie in this area.

Antwort von GAST | 16.09.2010 - 00:16
The war of independence (1)
The war of independence is an act of rebellion caused war, which ends with the 13 British colonies declaring their independence from Britain.

The civil war
This war between the northern states and the the states in the south was caused by the deep economic, social and political division between the states, which came mainly in the slavery issue to light. (2)

Immigration and Industrialisation (3)
The industrialisation is operated by the west with its huge natural ressources of oil and timber, many immigrants from Europe and the construction of the railway.

The First World War
America`s entry into the First World War, in cooperation with Britain and France led to the defeat of Germany, Austria and Italy.

The great depression and the new deal (4)

During severe economic crisis of the 1930s Franklin D. Roosevelt was elected to the President on at platform of social reform and industrial recovery called the New Deal and in this way the federal governement spent a lot of money on infrastructure.

The second world war
The allies (indcluding The USA) and the axis powers (Germany, Japan, etc) declared the war on each other after attacking its navel base at Pearl Harbor in Hawaii by Germany`s alliance partner Japan.

The cold war
The cold war is a conflict between the U.S. and the Soviet Union, which ends in victory for the Americans and the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1989.

Social reform
The social reform includes the prohibition of racial segregation and welfare programs and although they have made great progress, the problem continues to lie in this area

Nur einige Anmerkungen: 1) sachlich falsch; die Unabhängigkeitserklärung war am 4.7.1776; der War of independence begann 1775 und endete 1783 mit dem Vertrag von Paris, in dem England den 13 Kolonien die Unabhängigkeit garantierte.

2) absolut un-Englisch; inhaltlich extrem oberflächlich

3) ich übersetze mal: die Industrialisierung wird durchgeführt vom Westen mit seinen riesigen natürlichen Rohstoffen an Öl und Holz, viele Einwanderer von Europa und der Bau der Eisenbahn.

4) auch diesen Text übersetze ich erst mal: während schwere wirtschaftliche Krise der 1930`er wsurde Franklin d. Roosevelt gewählt
zum Präsidenten ( die Korrektur "to the" ist Unsinn) auf bei Grundlage von sozialer Reform und industrieller Erholung geannnt "the New Deal" und auf diese Weise gab die Bundesregierung viel Geld aus für Infrastruktur.

dich bleibe dabei: 1)der Text ist inhaltlich z.t. sehr falsch; warum werden - es geht schließlich um Geschichte - keine Daten genannt?
2) der Text ist nicht korrigierbar - eine Neuschrift wäre vorzuziehen.
Die Korrekturversuche von RaSh sind zwar gut gemeint; häufig aber falsch - und, die wirklich gravierenden Fejhler werden nicht gesehen.


Antwort von ANONYM | 16.09.2010 - 08:55
Na schön
dann fang ich noch einmal von neu an
ist der erste satz so richtig:
The War of Independence

The War of Independence was a conflict initiated by an act of rebellion and it lead to the 13 British colonies declaring their independence from Britain.

Was stimmt den beim nächsten satz nicht?

P.S.: es darf nicht mehr als ein satz sein, also kann nich auch nicht so viele Daten reinpacken.

Antwort von GAST | 16.09.2010 - 10:50
The War of Independence was a conflict initiated by the British King as the answer to [----] the 13 British colonies` declaring their independence from Britain.

sinngemäß: der U`krieg was ein Konflikt begonnen vom Brit.K. als Antwort auf die Unabhängigskeitserklärung der 13 Kolonien...
(die paar Scharmützel 1775 - vor der U`erklärung - kann man "übersehen")

The Civil War between the Northern [---] and the [---] Southern States [---] resulted from [---] a deep economic, social and political division between the states, [---] with the issue of slavery as its ostensible cause.

meine Übersetzung: der Bürgerkrieg zwischen ... war begründet in einer tiefen ....Spaltung... wobei die Sklavenfrage der vordergründige anlass war.

Bei deinem industrialisation-Satz verwechselst du die Indusrialisierung im Osten mit der Eroberung des Westes.


Antwort von ANONYM | 16.09.2010 - 19:04
Immigration and Industrialisation
The industrialisation is operated by the opening up and settlement of the west with its ressources of oil and timber, many immigrants from Europe and the construction of the railway.

The First World War
America`s entry into the First World War, in cooperation with Britain and France led to the defeat of Germany, Austria and Italy.

Sind diese Sätze so ok?

Antwort von GAST | 16.09.2010 - 20:26
The industrialisation is operated by the opening up and settlement of the west with its ressources of oil and timber, many immigrants from Europe and the construction of the railway.

wsie ich schon andeutete: die Industrialisierung und die Landnahme im Westen sind zwei Paar Schuhe, die man nicht in einem Satz zusammmenbringen kann;

Du könntest höchstens schreiben: "Die beginnende Industrialisierung im Osten und die fortschreitende Ausweitung der Besiedlung im Westen, begünstigt durch den Bau der Transkontinentalbahn, führten zu einer starken Zunahme von Einwanderern in die USA."

der WWI-Satz knirscht - auch inhaltlich - etwas, aber sei`s drum.


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