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Englisch Summary Korrektur

Frage: Englisch Summary Korrektur
(4 Antworten)

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ich habe ein kleines summary zu der geschichte <black and white and everything between> geschrieben und würde mich freuen wenn ihr ecuh das mal durchlest und sozusagen korrektur lest ;)
Danke im Vorraus

The short story `Black and white and everything between` by George Dawson and Richard Glaubman deals with a black gardener who didn`t want to eat by the dogs.
The gardener`s name is George Dawson and he works very hard.
The woman gives him food, but he has to eat on the porch outside the house, together with the dogs. His lunch is a big bowl of stew and the dogs eat the same. George’s pride is more important to him than his hunger and so he doesn’t touch the food.
In the end of the story the woman comes outside to give the gardener his payment. Then she sees the untouched lunch on the porch and asks him why he didn’t eat her home-made lunch. George says that he didn`t want to eat with dogs because he is a human being. After hearing thatthe woman gets very angry and tells him that he wouldn`t need to come back anymore. After that he leaves the porch.
Frage von Mrs.Proper (ehem. Mitglied) | am 12.04.2010 - 16:33

Antwort von GAST | 12.04.2010 - 16:36
kenne die geschichte leider nicht
aber achte auf die richtige Zeit

Antwort von GAST | 12.04.2010 - 16:53
The short story `Black and white and everything between` by George Dawson and Richard Glaubman
hört sich so an, als ob die das geschrieben hätten.. wenns so ist, stimmts ^^
deals with a black gardener who didn`t want to eat by the dogs.
vllt with?
and the dogs eat the same.
vllt get, um dopplung zu meiden, aber bla..
In the end of the story the woman comes outside
outside the house?
asks him why he didn’t eat her home-made lunch.
wenn die gefragt hat "why didn`t you eat my lunch" müssts heißen "why he hadn`t ate her lunch" oooder?

von zeiten her müsste alles stimmen..
ich glaub das verbesserte aber auch nur ne ^^

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Antwort von *Money* (ehem. Mitglied) | 12.04.2010 - 17:07
to eat among the dogs

vllt statt "the gardeners name" einfach nur his name

has to eat "that/it" on

along with the dogs

"George’s pride is more important to him than his hunger and so he doesn’t touch the food."
Due to the fact that George`s pride is more important for him than his desideratum to eat something, he doesnt touch the food

"After hearing thatthe woman gets very angry and tells him that he wouldn`t need to come back anymore."
After she has heard those words, she became very angry and told him not coming back anymore

"After that he leaves the porch."
Afterwards he leaves the porch

Antwort von GAST | 12.04.2010 - 17:38
a)Ja, auf die Zeiten achten, chronologisch im PRÄSENS (present tense)
b) Wenns schwierig wird umschreiben : She asks about the food that is still there (aber KEIN PAST benutzen!)
c) GEORGE DAWSON was 101 when he wrote his first book, he learnt to read when was 98.
George Dawson (January 18, 1898 – July 5, 2001)
Das nur nebenbei

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