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Lorri Hewett: coming of age

Frage: Lorri Hewett: coming of age
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AJ walk away and i stand the feelin stupid cuz there is all the people lookin at me.
“what you lookin at” i yell, especially at all them stupid white people who start lookin scared and run away. I pick up my books.
I don’t wanna go to choir so i say to hell with it and go over to city park. City park’s right across the street from the school where all the brothers be hangin out and shit.
Franco there with some more of our set, the compton posse. He sittin under a tree smokin on a pipe. The cops come here all the time cuz they don’t like us niggers, but franco, he don’t give a shit. He smooth.
“ man, you need to kick your brother’s ass” i tell franco. He lean up against the tree and laugh. “ what’s he doing”
“startin up shit with me. I shoulda kicked his ass myself”
franco don’t say nothin and hit the pipe again. One of my homies is smokin a joint so i go smoke on it too. I figure then i’ll head over to my corner on Vine and Twenty-fourth and start clockin. I got myself a regular set of junkies who come every day to buy shit from me. White, black, mexican, bussines suits, bums, you name it. And one of these days i’m gonna be pullin in as much as franco. But i get good and high before i head on over my corner. You gotta be hogh to run this shit.
Frage von romina92 (ehem. Mitglied) | am 10.04.2010 - 10:02

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