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Frage: Korrektur
(2 Antworten)

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wäre nett wenn irgendwer diesen text mal kontrollieren könnte:

The text “Poverty Is Relative“ written by Mari Thekaekara deals with her experiences of different types of poverty.

Maria Thekaekara is one of the founders of ACCORD, an Indian organization working with the poor.
Until 1994 she only worked in India and gets to know the poverty in the Indian society. People live in huts without electricity, the women have to look for firewood and food all day, and carry water in pots from half-a-kilometre away.
But then she and her husband had the chance to visit “Easterhouse housing estate” in Glasgow, which is called the worst slum in Europe.
Before they travelled, she couldn’t believe that Glasgow is poorer than India.
But when she was there, she was shocked: People have no work, were dispirited, depressed and alcoholic.
So she must realize that there are two types of poverty: On the one hand the material poverty and on the other hand the social deprivations.

danke im voraus!
Frage von appelpi (ehem. Mitglied) | am 07.03.2010 - 13:40

Antwort von GAST | 07.03.2010 - 14:24
klingt ganz gut
a) material poverty und social deprivations wohl eher ohne Artikel
b) du wechselst zwischen PAST und PRESENT hin und her,
bei einer Inhaltsangabe nur Present (oder Present Perfect), was bei einigen Sätzen schwierig wird
Present soll wohl andeuten, dass es immer noch so ist
Aber wenn du schreibst "were dispirited", dann musst du auch schreiben "People had no work" (also auch PAST)
c) Bei "before" würde sich evtl.das Past Perfect anbieten : Before they had travelled...
d) Women have to look : auch besser ohne Artikel

Klingt aber insgesamt sehr Englisch und sehr gut, sind nur die Sachen mit den Zeiten und Artikel, die man noch überdenken kann

Antwort von GAST | 07.03.2010 - 18:22
The text “Poverty Is Relative“ written by Mari Thekaekara deals with her experiences with different types of poverty.
Maria Thekaekara is one of the founders of ACCORD, an Indian organization working with the poor.
Until 1994 she has only worked in India and has got to know ... poverty in the Indian society. People live in huts without electricity,....women have to look for firewood and food all day, and they carry water in pots from wells half-a-kilometre away.
But then she and her husband havehad the chance of visiting “Easterhouse housing estate” in Glasgow, which is called the worst slum in Europe.
Before they have travelled, she hasn`t believe ..Glasgow be poorer than India.
But when she isthere, she is shocked: People have no work, aredispirited, depressed and alcoholic.
So she must realize that there are two types of poverty: On the one hand ...material poverty and on the other hand ... social deprivations.

ausgehend von AdamLinks Idee. dass du hier eine summary schreibst, habe ich die zeiten "eingenordet".

fett = eingefügt/verbessert; "...." = gestrichen


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