Frage: Rechtschreibung(4 Antworten)
Hey habe mal einen Text in English verfasst zu der industriellen revolution und wäre echt toll wenn ihr den mal auf rechtschreibfehler kontrollieren könntet :) The Industrial Revolution Exercise number 2: a) What is your task during the game ? Answer: You are a businessman who makes the industrial revolution in his concern. You have to choose important decisions. b) How mutch money did you still have at the and of the game ? Answer: 3 Money stacks. c) Explain your loss/profit. Answer: loss: Cause steam cost money to purchase. But steam engine is a engine for the future. Profit: We choose the right location because they have a good road system and a thriving airport near with links to world markets. Exercise number 3: a) What is your task during the game? Answer: You have to built a city in the Industrial Revolution and you have to disassociate problems which the city have. b) Did you have success in the end? Answer: Yes, we have success in the end. c) Explain your loss/profit. Loss: You have to built water pipes which cost money. Profit: You get money because you do not clean the air. Exercise number 5: a) When was the Blast Furnace invented and what were consequences? The Blast Furnace was 1709 invented. The consequences were that little cities as Shropshire became a major mining site with 500 workers. Exercise number 6: a) What did you find out about childhood in Victorian Britain? Some children work in mines. They have different works. Some children called “Trapper” open the door so as to let air through the tunnels. But the children work at surface, sorting the coal, at least they see the sunlight and breathe fresh air. Although many children work they find time to play games. Many children play outdoor because in the house was no place. Often they play football because the first FA-Cup final was 1872 and so many children play football. b) Why do you think children´s life changed during the Victorian times? Children´s life changed because many children go to work and don´t have a really childhood. They can´t play so often as today. And the poor children doesn´t go to school because they have to work only the rich children go to school and have the chance to educate themselves. Exercise number 7: a) What was the same and what was different about school now and in Victorian times? In Victorian times you have to pay for school. Now you have to go for school and it´s for free. In the past were harder chastisement e.g. the teacher can hit you with a cane. This is today not possible. Today the girls and boys learn the same subjects. The same is that the children sit in rows and the teacher have an own desk. Exercise number 9: a) Games in the Victorian times. The children play often outdoor e.g. they play a version of musical chairs with using cushions or old rags to sit on it. Also they play at Easter a certain play. Everyone have to put an egg with his/her name on it in a basket or sieve and than you shake it and the last egg which is still safe have won. Children have a better time today because they haven´t go to work and they have more freedoms. |
GAST stellte diese Frage am 27.01.2010 - 22:06 |
Antwort von GAST | 27.01.2010 - 23:09 |
Warum sollen wir nur die Rechtschreibung korrigieren dürfen? Bist du denn so begeistert von deinem Text, Kannst du bitte sagen, was der Text überhaupt soll? Entwickelst du ein Gesellschaftsspiel zum Thema Industrielle Revolution? Warum steht denn immer "exercise No xy" da? Der Terxt ist darüberjinaus sehr lang; gibt es termine, bis wann eine Korrektur, whoever is going to do it, abgeschlossen sein soll? ha.lo |
Antwort von GAST | 28.01.2010 - 14:15 |
Also =) Xd.. der beitrag muss bis morgen fertig sein und wir sind für jede Hilfe dankbar =) .. Die exercise xy bedeutet welche aufgabe das ist =) . das wir bestimmte aufgaben machen sollten ! .. das bedeutet das ganze hat keinen sinn zu einander sondern nur den sinn zum thema "industrielle revolution" ! LG |
Antwort von RichardLancelot | 28.01.2010 - 14:51 |
Zitat:Einen 15-jährigen mit einem Muttersprachler zu vergleichen ist ja auch eine etwas übertriebene Praktik, oder? Mein Tipp ist im Übrigen ein Wörterbuch. Ich finde Rechtschreibung, besonders die richtige Schreibweise der Worte, bekommt jeder selbst hin. Die Rechtschreibprüfung in den meisten Textverarbeitungprogrammen lässt sich auf "Englisch" einstellen, damit ist das Ratz-Fatz gemacht. ![]() |
Antwort von GAST | 28.01.2010 - 15:44 |
das mit der rechtschereiung jage ich gerade durch word =) .. aer könnt ihr uns vll ein bissle bei der satzstellung helfen damit d as ganze hiochwertiger rüber kommt ? |
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