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Frage: Englisch-afgaben
(4 Antworten)

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Huhu, könntet ihr mir helfen, wäre echt toll

Also da muss man aus den sätzen Fragen machen.
write questions for these answers:
1.) when in use, a mobile phone sends a constant stream of data to the phone network, including the phone´s position.

what happend when the mobile phone is in use?

In just two decades, the mobile phone has become the fastest-selling consumer product.

. in how many decades, the mobile phone has become the fastest-selling consumer product?

3. she avoids travelling on the tube so as not delay any texts.

did she avoids travelling on the tube?

4. he shows much more emotion in texts than in day-to-day life.
where he shows more emotion in texts or in day-to-day life?

write down four situations in which people should switch off their mobile phones

1. in situations like when you are in school.

2. In the air, when you fly with a aircraft.

3. when you did homework

4. When you are on a job interview you should switch off your mobile phone.

explain two words:
eine schnurlose verbindung zu anderen geräten
bluetooth is a cordless connection to other devices.

the practice of working in a location outside of the main office. A teleworker could do their job in a home office, on the road, in a hotel, at a customer site, or any other place that

You have bought a new mobile phone. write to your english pen friend and tell him or her:
where you bought it
what it cost
if there is a contract, if so what the terms are
advantages compared with your old mobile phone

Dear Tom,
I hope your fin.
So today i bought a really new mobile phone, it looks great, its black my favourite colour.I bought the phone together with my Dad in a Phone Shop near the city.
it costed (?) 100 euro.
the best advantages compared to the old phone is that i can make photos, and i can load much more music on it.
the display is much bigger, too.

mit liebsten grüßen

f.) find five more questions like the following one for a questionnaire:
1. If mobile phones were found to cause cancer, would you still use one?

versteh ich nich xD

letzte aufgabe:
whats your opinion on the following statements

People who make long mobile phone calls sometimes complain of headaches.

I agree with this opionion when you talk long with a mobile phone you can become sometimes headaches cause of the (wegen den wellen da halt?)
2. fakts are important not so loud sound and not so near on the ear.

2.keep the calls short
i don´t agree, i think if you want to speak with a person who is not here or in the near (?) you can call him so long you will speak with him..
Frage von NikolaPeach (ehem. Mitglied) | am 27.01.2010 - 17:41

Antwort von GAST | 27.01.2010 - 17:47
f.) find five more questions like the following one for a questionnaire:
1. If mobile phones were found to cause cancer,
would you still use one?

Damit sind "if/would you"-Fragen gemeint.
Deutsches Beispiel:
Wenn ich dein Computer kaputt wäre, würdest du einen neuen kaufen?
Also ein irrealer Sacchverhalt (if) und dann eine Frage dazu.

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Antwort von NikolaPeach (ehem. Mitglied) | 27.01.2010 - 18:23
Oh, ok habe gerade bemerkt das wir die nich machen müssen..
habt ihr auch verbesserung zu den anderen..bitte?

Antwort von GAST | 27.01.2010 - 18:33
1.) when in use, a mobile phone sends a constant stream of data to the phone network, including the phone´s position.

what happens when the mobile phone is in use?

2. In just two decades, the mobile phone has become the fastest-selling consumer product.

. in how many decades will the mobile phone become the fastest-selling consumer product?

4. he shows much more emotion in texts than in day-to-day life.
Does he show more emotion in texts or in day-to-day life?

1. When you are in school
2. While flying with an aircraft
3. While doing homework
4. While having a job interview

Dear Tom,
I hope you`re fine.
So today i bought a really new mobile phone, it looks great, its black, my favourite colour.I bought the phone together with my Dad in a Phone Shop near the city.
I payed 100 euro for it.
The best advantage compared to the old phone is that i can make photos. Another great advantage is, that i can save more music on it.
The Display is much bigger, too.

I agree with this statement. Do not turn the sound too loud.

2.keep the calls short
i don´t agree- I think if you want to speak with a person far away, you can talk to him/her as long as you want.

Antwort von GAST | 28.01.2010 - 13:27
1)what does the mobile phone send out when it is in use? (a)
2) How fast has the m.p. become ...? (b)
3) Why does she avoid travelling on the tube? (c)
((did she avoids travelling on the tube?)) (cc)
4) What does he show in texts? (d)
((where he shows more emotion in texts or in day-to-day life?)) ((dd)

a) Hier sind verschied. Fragen möglich; die Alternative von staffy123 ist auch richtig.

b)Beachte: bei w-Fragen gilt das folgende "Fragen-Schema":
Fragewort - Hilfsverb - Subjekt - Prädikat (ohne 1.Hilfsverb) - -"Rest" (Objekt, Adverbiale)+?

Deine Frage ist unrichtig, weil du das Hilfsverb "has" become nicht vor das Subjekt "the mobile" gestellt hast.
Staffys Frage ist falsch, weil er eine total andere Zeit (will become) eingesetzt hat.

c) "as not" bedeutet "weil", also muss ich "warum = why" fragen!
"avoids" hat im Prädikat kein Hilfsverb, also muss ich das Hilfsverb "do" zur hilfe nehmen; wegen avoid-S nehme ich do-ES (does).

cc) deine Lösung ist dahingehend falsch , dass du. a) "did" einsetzt, obwohl der Ausgangssatz im Präsens steht (avoids) und b) das Verb (avoid) bei Präsens oder Präteritum nach der Inversion des Hilfsverbs im Infinitiv stehen muss (also ohne he-she-it-Präsens-s)

d) Dein "where he shows.."?(vgl. dd)) geht nicht; du hast ja inzwischen aus Satz 2 die richtige Fragestellung und aus Satz 3 die richtige Verwendung des Hilfsverbs erlernt.
Staffys Frage ist o.k.., es handelt sich dann aber nur um eine ja-nein-Antwort Frage.

Dein "where" würde nur nach "texts" fragen; meine "what"-Frage ist etwas komplexer.


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