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Frage: Englisch
(16 Antworten)

Text schreiben über 2 Personen

-> nicest x-mas present
-> did on new years eve (neujahr)
-> what freetime activitys did in the snow

Hat einer Ideen?
Wie fang ich sowas an?xD
Paul is 18 years old and his nicest x-mas present was a laptop which his mum have buy him. ... ?
GAST stellte diese Frage am 12.01.2010 - 19:25

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Antwort von Tiffy89 (ehem. Mitglied) | 12.01.2010 - 19:27
* bought him


Antwort von GAST | 12.01.2010 - 19:27
achja xD danke :D ich mach eben mal nen text : ) und dann need ich hilfe von dir hahaxD

Beiträge 40305
Antwort von matata | 12.01.2010 - 19:29
- Vermutlich alles in Vergangenheit

selber gestrickter Schal vom girl friend
Feuerwerk abfeuern
mit allen anstossen mit Champagner
einen Schneemann und eine Schneefrau bauen
eine Schneeballschlacht machen
Schlittenfahren gehen

den Anfang kann man stehen lassen, wenn du die richtige Zeitform nimmst
________________________ - Team

Antwort von GAST | 12.01.2010 - 19:35
has bought him nich have bought --- he she it das s muss mit :D
vllt war er auf ner Party in nem Club mit paar Freunden an Neujahr
und im Schnee ist er natürlich schlitten gefahren, hat ne Schneeballschlacht gemacht und nen Schneemann gebaut :D

Antwort von GAST | 12.01.2010 - 19:38
Paul is 18 years old and his nicest x-mas present was a laptop which his mum have bought him.On new years eve he was with friends and play a lot of games with his new playstation at home. His friends envy (beneiden ?) him, because he gets many expensiv things from his parents and they thing , that Paul is spoilt(verwöhnt?, but they like him. Paul have play with his friends in the snow and they have do/make? a snowball fight. But that was not all because the friends and Paul have did (done ) a great firework and made a snowman and a snowwoman and they have make a race with a sleigh (schlitten).

Antwort von GAST | 12.01.2010 - 19:38
has bought him :P:P:P ganz klar ! ^^

Antwort von GAST | 12.01.2010 - 19:50
Emely is 17 years old and is from a single family, so she lives only with his mum. Emely dont get x-mas presents because the mum save/spare money to buy a house , because the flag/apartment is to old.
But Emely bought her mother a present in fact ( und zwar) a pullover with a big heart ahead (vorne). On new years eve her grandma was at her home and they have celebrate it in a threesome (zu dritt).
Emely dont like the snow and dont play with it in her freetime because for Emely the snow is to cold and she hates coldness.

Antwort von GAST | 12.01.2010 - 19:54
Paul is 18 years old and his nicest x-mas present was a laptop which his mum have bought him.On new years eve he was with friends and plays a lot of games with his new playstation at home. His friends envy (beneiden ?) him, because he gets many expensiv things from his parents and they think , that Paul is spoilt(verwöhnt?, but they like him. Paul have play with his friends in the snow and they have do a snowball fight. But that was not all because the friends and Paul have made a great firework and built a snowman and a snowwoman and they have do a race with a sleigh (schlitten).

Antwort von GAST | 12.01.2010 - 19:55
Macht man bei get ein s dran?xD
Emely dont gets ? oder Emely dont get ?

Antwort von GAST | 12.01.2010 - 20:04
weder noch!
Emely doesn`t get

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Antwort von bluesky88 (ehem. Mitglied) | 12.01.2010 - 20:04
Paul is 18 years old and his nicest x-mas present was a laptop which his mum has bought him. On new years eve he was with friends and played a lot of games with his new playstation at home. His friends envy him, because he got many expensive things from his parents and they think, that Paul is spoilt, but they still like him. Paul played with his friends in the snow and they did a snowball fight. And on top of that Paul and his friends made a great firework and built a snowman as well as a snowwoman and they did a race with their[b] sleigh[b]s

Mir scheint, du hast einige Probleme mit den Zeiten. Du musst darauf achten: wenn du etwas beschreibst, dass sowohl in der Vergangenheit angefangen hat als auch beendet wurde, nimmst du einfach immer Simple Past. Wenn es sich um etwas handelt, was in der Vergangenheit begonnen wurde, aber noch andauert, dann nimmst du Present Perfect.

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Antwort von algieba (ehem. Mitglied) | 12.01.2010 - 20:05
Bitte weder has noch have bought, sondern bought. Das ist Simple Past. Present Perfect (in dem Fall ein echter Germanismus) darf hier nicht verwendet werden, da die Mutter mit dem Kaufen des Geschenks ja schon fertig ist.
Wenn man es ganz richtig machen will, bezieht man ein, dass das Kaufen vor dem Schenken stattfand und beides in der Vergangenheit, mithin das Kaufen mit Past Perfect beschrieben werden sollte: had bought.
On new years eve he was with friends and plays a lot of games with his new playstation at home. --> andere Satzstellung: On new years eve he was at home with friends etc.

and plays --> ins Simple Past setzen

envy: beneiden sie ihn immer noch? Wenn nicht, dann auch simple past.
he gets: he got
have played: s. oben, hier darf kein Present Perfect hin, sondern es muss Simple Past sein!
Have do: Verben sollte man beugen ... Ich schlage "did" vor.
set off a fireworks ist besser
Have a race ist besser, have muss im Simple Past stehen

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Antwort von intelligenzbrot (ehem. Mitglied) | 12.01.2010 - 20:07
Paul is 18 years old and his nicest x-mas present was a laptop which his mum has bought him. On New Year`s Eve he was at home with his friends and they played a lot of games with his new playstation. His friends envied him, because he got many expensive things from his parents and so they think that Paul is spoiled, but they still like him. Paul played with his friends in the snow and they had a snowball fight. But that was not all - Paul and his friends made a great firework and built a snowman and a snowwoman and they also made a sleigh race.

Emely (ich wär für Emily aber egal :D) is 17 years old and lives in a single household only with her mum. Although Emely didn`t get any x-mas presents because her mum wants to save money to buy a house, because the flat is too old, she bought a pullover with a big heart on it as a present for her mother . On New Year`s Eve her grandma invited them to celebrate with her in a threesome. (das klingt so nach "Flotter Dreier" xD)
Emely doesn`t like snow and so she doesn`t play in it in her freetime because for her the snow is too cold and she hates coldness.

Verdammt, da warn andere schneller :D

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Antwort von bluesky88 (ehem. Mitglied) | 12.01.2010 - 20:09
Emely is 17 years old and is from a single family, so she lives only with her mum. Emely doesn`t get x-mas presents because the mum shared somemoney to buy a house , because the flat is tooold.
But Emely bought her mother a present. In fact this was a pullover with a big heart on the front side. On new years eve her grandma was at her home and they celebrated in a threesome (zu dritt).
Emely doesn`t like the snow and doesn`tplay with it in her freetime because for Emely the snow is too cold and she hates coldness.

Alles in allem ist das mit deiner Aussprache schon ok, du musst halt immer nur darauf achten, dass du nicht zu sehr nach dem deutschen Satzbau gehst.
Wenn du dir nicht sicher bist, ob die Übersetzungen der Wörter so stimmen, empfehle ich dir statt, die Seite, da die Seite meiner Meinung nach ein besseres Englisch liefert und uns auch im Studium empfohlen wurde.

Antwort von GAST | 12.01.2010 - 20:10
Mir scheint, du hast einige Probleme mit den Zeiten.

Ohhh jaa.. :) Aber vielen Dank fürs korrigieren.

Dir auch vielen Dank algieba

her in a threesome. (das klingt so nach "Flotter Dreier" xD)

:P daher kenn ich dieses wort HAHA :D!

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Antwort von bluesky88 (ehem. Mitglied) | 12.01.2010 - 20:15
Ja, daher hab ich das auch gekannt :D :D

Nee, also wenn du noch was zu den Zeiten wissen willst... ich kann gern versuchen, dir das zu erklären.

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