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Englisch Korrektur für einen Brief bitte

Frage: Englisch Korrektur für einen Brief bitte
(3 Antworten)

Hallo Leute ich bräuchte mal bitte eure Grammatikalische Hilfe in Englisch. Wäre nett wenn ihr mich auf eventuell ein paar Fehler hinweisen könntet.

lg & thx Sarah


Dear Rachel,

Thank you for your letter last week. The experiences which you made in Australia sound very interesting. I wish I could also be there.
Here the purest devil is wrong.
Yesterday my mother called me at 8.30 o`clock in the morning. At first she asked me what I wish to Christmas, but then she trys to persuade me that she wants to give me a Suitcase.
Why a suitcase? I think in my mothers head something is going wrong.
As she tried to persuade me she said something about Julie Enderby (who ever this is) and that she has a suitcase and always needed it, but why should I be interested in Julie Alconbury. I don’t know who she is and so why should I be interested in a suitcase?
To talk 8.30 o’clock in the morning is really horrible. After the thing with the suitcase my mother talks to me about Geoffrey and Una Alconburries New Year’s Day Turkey Curry Buffet in Grafton Underwood and that I must come with her because there will be Malcom and Elaine Darcy with some Mark. You must know Rachel; it’s a high society party which I hate more than a Fly in a soup. My mother wants absolutely that I search me a man. I don’t know if it is so but I think that she becomes crazier from year to year.
That’s very horrible, but enough about me.
I would be very glad if you visit me next month if you where here in London for a weekend. We could go to the cinema, go into a bar or we tease some people like we does it in the high school. For 3 years we have not seen ourselves any more, but I hope that that we can make up some of the lost time and have a lot of fun.
Please write back to me if you got time.

Yours Bridget
GAST stellte diese Frage am 18.11.2009 - 18:17

Antwort von GAST | 18.11.2009 - 18:26
ganz unten...
write back, if you`ve got the time


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Antwort von Cocus (ehem. Mitglied) | 18.11.2009 - 18:35
Im 2. Satz : statt sound very interesting --> sounds very interesting.

statt "what I wish TO christmas" --> "what I wish FOR christmas"

ich glaube suitcase wird klein geschrieben.

im nächsten satz: statt" I think in my mothers head something is going wrong" --> " i think in my mothers head is something going wrong"

"fly" wird auch klein geschrieben. alles außer namen und länder wird klein geschrieben.

statt "we tease some people like we DOES it in the high school" kommt DID hin.

For 3 years we have not seen ourselves any more, but I hope that that we can make up some of the lost time and have a lot of fun.
ich glaube in dem satz stimmt die zeit nicht, bin mir aber nicht sicher..

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Antwort von todespudel666 (ehem. Mitglied) | 18.11.2009 - 23:28
<<Dear Rachel,
Thank you for your last letter.
You told me about your experiences which you gained in Australia so far and in my opinion, they sound very interesting. I wish I would be also there.
Here the purest devil is wrong.
Yesterday my mother called me at 8.30 o`clock in the morning. At first she asked me what I want for Christmas. But at the end she tried to convince me that a suitcase would be the perfect present.
Well, now I`m asking myself why she wants to give me a suitcase. I think something is going wrong in my mother`s head.
While trying to convince me, she reported some facts about a person called Julie Enderby (I don`t know this person). She told me, that this person has a suitcase herself/himself and always makes use of it but why should I be interested in a person who I don`t know?
Talking at 8.30 o`clock in the morning is really horrible. After talking about the problem of owning a suitcase, my mother told me about Geoffrey and Una Alconburri`s New Year`s Day turkey-curry buffet in Grafton Underwood and that she would be pleased about accompanying her. Her reason for this was that Malcolm and Elaine Darcy and a person called Mark will be there, too.
You have to know that it`s a high society party and I hate those types of celebrations more than anything else. My mother absolutely wants that I`ll eventually win a partner and I am afraid that she`ll become crazier from year to year if I wouldn`t quickly win a partner .
For me, this is very horrible. Now, I think I told enough about my problems.
I know that you`ll come to London next month and it would be great if you`ll come to see me. We could go to the cinema, to a pub or we could make fun of other people like we did during high school. We haven`t met in over three years and so I hope that this will change because we ever had much fun together.
Please write back if you aren`t too busy.


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