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Frage: Korrektur....bitte^^
(5 Antworten)

Musss morgen meine English-Hausarbeit abgeben :))
Und wollt euch mal fragen, ob ihr so nett seid und diesen text korrigieren könnt ^^ wäre nett

The short story “The Dragon” is written by Cynthia Forder.
It deals with two teenagers, a girl calles Kay and a boy calles Bob. Bob feels in love and wants a relationship with Kay.
At the beginning of the story Kay and Bob are sitting on a swing and looking to the oil refineries which are sometimes breathe fire. That moments let imagine Kay, that are dragons inside and that is the reason for the name of the story. Caused on the friend relationship of their mothers, Bob cames always with his mother to visit Kay.
Bob is tyring to have a date with Kay but Kay is don’t intressted in him and thinks that he is stupid. In the middle of the story Bob sad the truth because he find out that she thinks bad about him. He tell her, that he is sitting with her just because of their mothers and afterwards he drive away. Kay feels guitly and cries . At the end Kay’s mother ask for Bob an Kay lies to her mother that Bob went to write some poetry. She goes into her room an watches the “dragons”.

GAST stellte diese Frage am 26.04.2009 - 13:03

Antwort von GAST | 26.04.2009 - 13:07
The short story “The Dragon” written by Cynthia Forder,published...(wo und wann falls gegeben),
deals with two teenagers.The boy whose name is Bob feels in love and wants a relationship with the girl named Kay. Normalerweise benennst du in dem umbrella sentence aber das thema!

Antwort von GAST | 26.04.2009 - 13:14
but Kay is NOT intErested in him
Bob SAID the truth... because he FINDS out
He TELLS her
Kay`s mother askS
Die meitsen Fehler sind also mit Verben in 3.Person Singular

Antwort von GAST | 26.04.2009 - 13:16
Kays´ mother askS

2o doofe zeichen

Antwort von GAST | 26.04.2009 - 13:30
alles klar danke :))))))))))))))))

Antwort von GAST | 26.04.2009 - 13:35
The short story “The Dragon” is written by Cynthia Forder is set near oil refineries that look like dragons. It deals with two teenagers, a girl called Kay and a boy called Bob. Bob feels in love and wants a relationship with Kay.
At the beginning of the story Kay and Bob are sitting on a swing and looking to the oil refineries which are sometimes breathe fire. That moment let imagine Kay, that are dragons inside and that is the reason for the name of the story. Caused on the friend relationship of their mothers, Bob comes always with his mother to visit Kay.
Bob is trying to have a date with Kay but Kay is not interested in him and thinks that he is stupid. In the middle of the story Bob sad the truth because he finds out that she thinks badly about him. He tells her, that he is sitting with her just because of their mothers and afterwards he drive away. Kay feels guilty and cries. At the end Kay’s mother ask for Bob an Kay lies to her mother that Bob went to write some poetry. She goes into her room and watches the “dragons”.

:) habs verbessert

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