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Frage: Korrektur
(4 Antworten)

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Hallo wollte mal fragen ob ihr mir diesen Text korrigieren könnt :):

Summary of three chapters

Chapter 3:

In the third chapter the father of Jonas comes home from work and brings the newchild with him.
His name is Gabriel. Everyone in the family looks at it and examines it carefully. Lily likes it very much. She says that she likes babies and that she wants to be assigned as a birthmother. But the mother tells her, that this job isn’t good. As a birthmother get very little honour, because you give your three births in three years and then you have to work until you get old and come to the elders. Jonas isn`t much interested on the child and so he thinks about the community. He remembers that every time if someone breaks a rule the voice from the speakers says, that everybody should remember that rule. The sentences are addressed at those persons breaking the rules, but their names are never spoken. Then Jonas thinks back when he seen something strange as he had taken an apple in it. One rule that the speaker says are that objects aren’t to be removed from the recreation areas and that snacks are to be eaten, not hoarded.

Chapter 4:

In the fourth chapter Jonas search his friend Asher. Finally he finds his bike at the House of the Old. They help to wash the Olds with their groupmate Fiona. They have their volunteer ours, where they should help with different jobs, in order to give the elders the possibility to see what job they like. He enters and helps him and Fiona to bath the old people. Fiona tells him about a release that had taken place before Jonas had arrived. He baths Larissa, an old woman and she talks about the celebration the release of Roberto and the life of the person. She says that it gives a Release Room where no one else than the elders and the persons who released may enter. The people are happy if they finish and release.

Chapter 5:

In the morning the family of Jonas tell over the dreams of the night. That’s a ritual they make every morning. Jonas says that in his dream he had wanted to bath Fiona, but she hadn`t wanted to and had kept laughing. He says he had wanted it so much, that he had almost been angry at her. His mother tells him, that those feelings are normal at his age. The feelings called “Stirrings” and Jonas would now have to take pills against them. She also tells him, that he must take them all his adult life until he`s old and that he mustn`t forget them.

Danke :)
Frage von Shadow-Hunter (ehem. Mitglied) | am 16.02.2009 - 20:41

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Antwort von nerd_ftw | 16.02.2009 - 20:44
stirb doppelposter

hexer...verbrennt ihn xD

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Antwort von ortagol (ehem. Mitglied) | 16.02.2009 - 20:45
verreck----->attackeee xD

Antwort von GAST | 16.02.2009 - 20:49
chapter 5:
In the morning the family of Jonas tell over the dreams of the night.
-> told over the dreams..

That’s a ritual they make every morning.
-> that they are doing...

He says he had wanted it so much,
-> He said..

His mother tells him, that
-> told him that

She also tells him, that
-> told him that

Ehm, so.. welche klasse biste denn? (reine interesse)

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Antwort von FlyingDead (ehem. Mitglied) | 16.02.2009 - 20:53
"Everyone in the family looks at it and examines it carefully"
es is ja n baby und das meinst du mit "it" aber ich würd eher "him" sagen, da er ja schon nen namen persönlicher^^

as a birthother you get very little honour

jonas is not much interested IN the child...

the sentences are addressed TO those...

Then Jonas thinks back when he HAD seen something strange as he had taken an apple in it.

one rule that the speaker says IS are not to be removed......

chapter 4
in the fourth chapter jonas searches...

they have their volunteer H(?!)ours....

realease room groß schreiben? hab keine vorlage, hätte aber nein gesagt^^

chapter 5

in the morning the family og jonas tells over the dreams of the night. (family=it)

(müsst ihr so viel ins past perfect setzen?)
Jonas says that in his dream he had wanted to bath Fiona, but she hadn`t wanted to and had kept laughing
--> Jonas says that in his dream he wanted to bath Fiona, but she refuse to and kept laughing. He says he wanted it so much, that he almost felt angry about it.

The feelings ARE called "Stirrings".....

so, muss ers ma reichen, muss auch nich alles richtig sein

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