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kann jmnd gut englisch?

Frage: kann jmnd gut englisch?
(24 Antworten)

The canopy layer contains the majority of the largest trees, typically 30-45 m tall.
The densest areas of biodiversity are found in the forest canopy, a more or less continuous cover of foliage formed by adjacent treetops. The canopy, by some estimates, is home to 50 percent of all plant species, suggesting that perhaps half of all life on Earth could be found there. The fauna is similar to that found in the emergent layer, but more diverse. A quarter of all insect species are believed to exist in the rainforest canopy. Scientists have long suspected the richness of the canopy as a habitat, but have only recently developed practical methods of exploring it. As long ago as 1917, naturalist William Beebe declared that "another continent of life remains to be discovered, not upon the Earth, but one to two hundred feet above it, extending over thousands of square miles." True exploration of this habitat only began in the 1980s, when scientists developed methods to reach the canopy, such as firing ropes into the trees using crossbows. Exploration of the canopy is still in its infancy, but other methods include the use of balloons and airships to float above the highest branches and the building of cranes and walkways planted on the forest floor. The science of accessing tropical forest canopy using airships, or similar aerial platforms, is called dendronautics.

(wer könnte mir das kurz zusammenfassen?
wäre echt lieb!:$
GAST stellte diese Frage am 18.01.2009 - 17:37

Antwort von GAST | 18.01.2009 - 18:07

Du bist der Grüne auf dem Bild!

Antwort von GAST | 18.01.2009 - 18:32
haha wie witzig -.-

Antwort von GAST | 18.01.2009 - 18:33
Ich weiß!

Hier :

Antwort von GAST | 18.01.2009 - 19:16
so jetzt ist es hier aber mal gut jetzt !
Wir sind hier alle nicht im Kindergarten !

@ciikciik: Du kannst dir natürlich auch einzelne Wörter
aus dem Text picken und dir dadurch den Text zusammenhang
erschließen. Oder du ließt die Wörter (einfachen) und
überliest die schweren.

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