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Bitte um Korrektur

Frage: Bitte um Korrektur
(7 Antworten)

Hallo Leute, könnt ihr mal kurz mein Interview überfliegen und Fehler korrigieren?
Dankeee im Vorraus

( R= Reporter; M= Martin )

R.: Hello Martin.
We would like to ask you a few questions.
As we know, you`re 15 years old, are living in Eastbourne and visit the school. Like many people in his life, you also had a hard time behind you. We not want to enlarge on it. We are interested in it, if you feel better yet?

M.: Thank you. I feel better. I am trying to forget the mistake that i made.

R.: It is cheerful to hear that you feel good.
You are currently visiting the school. What are your future plans? Can you tell us something about it?

M.: Yes. When I finish my education, I would like to visit the university. My greatest dream is to become a psychologist.

R.: We are sure that you will realize your dream. A beautiful profession you`ve chosen. But why do you want to go in this direction?

M.: I want to help other people with problems. Many people think that there are no solutions for their problems. These people need help. Today I am firmly convinced that it gives a solution for every problem. You need only ask for help. It`s a terrible feeling when you feel alone and when you are desperate. In these cases you can make very big mistakes. Mistakes, wich you later regret. I want to help people who are contact me.

R.: It looks like as if your own feelings, experiences and mistakes have some influence relating on your career aspiration.

M.: Yes. Amongst these aspects also play a role.

R.: We thank you sincerely for that time you`ve made for us and wish you every success in your future.
GAST stellte diese Frage am 15.01.2009 - 22:13

Antwort von GAST | 15.01.2009 - 22:33
Kann kurz bitte jemand drüber gucken?

Ist wirklich super wichtig. Dementsprechend muss ich ein Artikel über das Interview schreiben.

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Antwort von nettes_maedel86 (ehem. Mitglied) | 15.01.2009 - 23:07
R.: Hello Martin. We would like to ask you a few questions.
As we know, you`re 15 years old, living in Eastbourne and attend (welche? high school, grammar school? genaue schulform hierein) school. Like many people you also had a hard time in your life. We not want to enlarge on it. (<--ich verstehe den sinn des satzes nicht, diese kombination habe ich im englischen noch nie gehört? schreib mir was du meinst auf deutsch und ich übersetzte es dir.) We are wondering, if you are doing better lately...

M.: Thank you. I feel better. I am trying to forget the mistake that i made.

R.: It is good to hear that you feel good.
You are currently attending school.Do you have any plans for the future yet?

M.: Yes. When I finish my education (? diese wortwahl gibt es so im engl. eigentlich nciht), I would like to go to university. My greatest dream is to become a psychologist.

R.: We are sure that you will realize your dream. A beautiful profession you`ve chosen. But why do you want to go in this direction?

M.: I want to help other people dealing with problems. Many people think that there are no solutions for their problems. These people need help. Today I am firmly (? vllt. besser absolutely) convinced that there is (es gibt= there is, it gives gibt es im englischen nicht!) a solution for any problem. You only need to ask for help. It`s a terrible feeling to feel alone and when you are desperate. In those situation you might make very big mistakes. Mistakes, you later regret. I would like to help those people, who contact me and ask for help.

R.: It seems as if your own feelings, experiences and mistakes have had some influence on your career aspiration.

M.: Yes. Amongst these aspects also play a role. (was willst du hier genau zum ausdruck bringen? das die erfahrungen auch eine rolle spielen neben o.g. oder die vortreffliche motivation sind?)

R.: We would like to thank you sincerely for the time you`ve made for us (= die Zeit, die du für uns gemacht hast? wie macht man zeit?) and wish you the very best for your future.

ich hab das nur grob korrigiert, bei einigen Sachen versteh ich nicht, was du meinst / ausdrücken willst.
Ich hoffe, das hilft trotzdem.

Antwort von GAST | 15.01.2009 - 23:12
Erst einmal möchte ich dir wirklich sehr sehr sehr für deine Hilfe danken. Vielen lieben dank!

1. Wie viele andere Menschen hast auch du eine harte Phase hinter dir. Da wir dir nicht zu Nahe treten wollen, weren wir nicht weiter drauf eingehen.

2. Ja, wenn ich meine schulische Ausbildung beende...

3. Ja, diese Aspekte spielen auch eine Rolle in Bezug auf meiner Berufswahl.

4. Danke für die Zeit, die du dir für uns genommen hast.

Antwort von GAST | 15.01.2009 - 23:16
Das nette Mädel hat schon einiges dabei, hier wäre meine Version - dann kannst du zwei unterschiedliche Korrekturen vergleichen. :)

R.: Hello Martin. We would like to ask you a few questions.
As we know, you`re 15 years old, are living in Eastbourne and visit -which?- school. Like many people in YOUR life, you HAVE also had a hard time SO FAR. We DO not want to ELABORATE on THAT. We WOULD LIKE TO KNOW if you ALREADY feel better?

M.: Thank you. I feel better. I am trying to forget the mistake that I HAVE made.

R.: It is GREAT to hear that you feel good.
You are currently visiting -which?- school. What are your PLANS FOR THE future? Can you tell us something about THAT?

M.: Yes. AFTER HAVING FINISHED my education, I would like to ATTEND UNIVERSITY. My greatest dream is to become a psychologist.

R.: We are sure that you will MAKE your dream COME TRUE. YOU HAVE CHOSEN a -beautiful?- profession. (Beautiful ist leider kein Adjektiv, das man im Zusammenhang mit Berufen verwendet. Interesting, sensible, important, challenging....?) But why do you want to go inTO THAT direction?

M.: I want to help other people with THEIR problems (oder: help other people who have problems). Many people think that there are no solutions for their problems. These people need help. Today I am firmly convinced that THERE IS! (UAH!) a solution for every problem. You ONLY HAVE TO ask for help. It`s a terrible feeling when you feel alone and when you are desperate. In these cases you can make HUGE mistakes. Mistakes KEIN KOMMA THAT you WILL regret later. I want to help people.... meinst du: who contact me?

R.: It looks AS IF (entweder "like" oder "as if", nie beides) your own feelings, experiences and mistakes have some influence reGARDING your career aspirationS.

M.: Yes. NEXT TO OTHERS KOMMA these aspects also play a PART.

R.: We SINCERELY thank you for thE time you`ve TAKEN TO TALK TO US and wish you success FOR your future.

Korrigiert sind sprachliche Fehler, was den Stil angeht habe ich nichts geändert - das soll schließlich trotz aller Korrekturen DEIN Text bleiben. :)

Antwort von GAST | 15.01.2009 - 23:20
Heyyyyyy...auch dir danke ich recht herzlich für deine Hilfe.

Hab da eine Frage. ist der Stil meines Textes auf gut deutsch schei**se ? Oder ist es akzeptabel?

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Antwort von nettes_maedel86 (ehem. Mitglied) | 15.01.2009 - 23:35
ist - mit den von uns genannten ausnahmen - recht gut lesbar und akzeptabel. Aber verbessern kannst du dich immer noch! ;)

Antwort von GAST | 15.01.2009 - 23:40
Okay, das beruhigt mich dann :)
Dankee euch wirklich sehr für eure Hilfe

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