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Ausdrucksvermögen und Rechtschreibung

Frage: Ausdrucksvermögen und Rechtschreibung
(5 Antworten)

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Hey Leute ich werde am Freitag ein Referat vorstellen, mein thema ist über Rassismus. Es ist natürlich auhc wichitg bei meinem vortrag wie ich mich ausdrücke, und ob es auch richitg so ist wie ich mich ausdrücke.

Hier hab ich mal alles so zusammengefasst wie ich mein Referat vorstellen werde.Könntet ihr mal drüber schauen, wäre echt nett. Grße Mery

Hello everybody
-1. Today I would like to make a short presentation, but before I start with it, can you describe this cartoon please. Folie mit Bild
-Who wants to describe this cartoon and what do you think my presentation is about?
-Now I will sum up what you can see on this cartoon. : There are two men’s, one of them asks where the contours of the helmet plate are and the other men answers that they don’t want something black and this is a sign for racism and discrimination of blacks.

-2. And now I have a joke
-Who wants to read it?
-So tell me in your own words what this joke is about and what for an effect has this joke on you?
-So how you find out my presentation is about racism and now I would like to show you my index of contents

-3. First I would deal with the question WHAT IS RACISM?
-And in the third place WHAT CAN WE DO AGAINST RACISM?

4.I would like to start with the first point WHAT IS RACISM?
But before I will tell you my definition how would you define racism?
And now I will tell you my definition. In fact, racism is the belief that people from some races are better than other people because of their skin, their ethnic origin, the country where they come from, the nationality and religion they have

And I think that there are two words concerning racism which have to be defined. These words are harassment and attack

The first word harassment:
- means abusing or threatening someone (threatening means saying something bad)
- And the second meaning of this word is that it means damaging property

And the second word attack: - is any physical violence

5.Now, I will continue with the second point WHERE DOES RACISM OCCUR?
So what do you think where does racism occur?
I think that racism can occur everywhere, but I took one interesting situation which I would like to present. And this interesting situation is about racism concerning police checks. I read this story in the internet which happened in Austria. And the story is about a black man who had studied physics and now he has got a good job, earns money and drives expensive cars. And in the last ten years he was stopped and checked about 60 times by the police.
What do you think why he was stopped and checked so often?

-Yes, I think that he was stopped and checked so often, because he is black and the police thinks that a black person can’t have an expensive car without stealing it.
-Another reason could be that they consider a black man more likely to be criminal then a white one
-Discussion: So what do you think about that? Do you find it good what the police man does or not?

6.And now I will go on with the third point WHAT CAN WE DO AGAINST RACISM?
-I think if something of our property is damaged then it is good when we report the attack to the police as soon as possible
-And if someone is hurt it is necessary if we go to the doctor
-Another point is if someone gets attacked verbally we should help
-In my opinion we should say something against racial discrimination because when nobody says something then the racist person will think that his behavior is accepted by the society we life in. But when we criticize such things then we make the person think about their words and actions.
-DO you want to add something or do you have any questions so far?

7.Finally I will go on with MY PERSONAL OPINION
-In my opinion, racism is one of the biggest problems in our world. And it will even get more and more problematic, because the world becomes more and more multicultural. So we have to search for solutions concerning these problems otherwise there would be more crime and violence against other ethnic groups which isn’t good at all. And I think when we do all the things which we have collected then it is a first step towards a peaceful life without racism.

8..Do you have any questions? That was it. Thank you for listening and I hope you have understood all things
Frage von aysin (ehem. Mitglied) | am 21.10.2008 - 18:42

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Antwort von matata | 21.10.2008 - 20:57
Deine Vorbereitungen schauen gut aus. Ich habe alles verstanden,
was du sagen willst. Dass du die Klasse einbeziehst, finde ich gut. Ich würde vorschlagen, dass die das sogar aufschreiben in 3 Sätzen (Partnerarbeit) und dir dann abgeben, damit du es irgendwo aufhängen kannst. Während deines Referates kannst du die Meinungen deiner Mitschüler und Mitschülerinnen als richtig abhaken oder als falsch anzeichnen. Du zwingst sie so immer wieder zur Aufmerksamkeit. (Es will doch jeder wissen, ob er recht hatte... )
________________________ - Team

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Antwort von oOMaSunnyOo (ehem. Mitglied) | 21.10.2008 - 21:04
ich stimme da vollkommen zu ... ich habe ebenfalls alles verstanden... ich habe ein ähnliches referat gehalten.. wenn die aussprache stimmt und du den vortrag flüssig und gelassen rüberbringst steht einer guten note nichts mehr im wege würde ich sagen!... auch dass du deine mitschüler so direkt ansprichst bringt pluspunkte! ... ich würde sagen du hast grünes licht ;) Viel glück!

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Antwort von oOMaSunnyOo (ehem. Mitglied) | 21.10.2008 - 21:04
verzeihung! ich meinte natürlich viel Erfolg!... Liebe Grüße!

Antwort von GAST | 22.10.2008 - 13:55
also nur kurz direkt am anfang: "there are two men’s, " "men "ist schon der plural von "man" da gibts kein s hintendran, genauso wie hier:"and the other !men! asks..." auch mit "a"!
dann:"what for an effect has this joke on you?" diese what for ist zu deuzsch "was für", das gibtes nich.. schreib einfach "what`s the effect of it ( in your opinion oder to your mind)?"
-"So how you find out my presentation is about..." wenn du meinst " "so, wie ihr rausgefuden habt geht es in miener präsentation um.." dann besser so: " as you already found out/mentioned, my presentaion.."

dann " first i will deal with blablabla und nohct would es sei denn du sagst i would like to deal with blablabla..
- dann "threatening" is saying somehing bad, würd ich shreiben dass man sagt das man jmd etwas böses antuen wird und nicht nur jmd etwas böses sagt.ewn du weisst was ich meine;)
-"but I took one interesting situation which I" , das mit dem took geht schonmal nihc, sag liber "as an example i`ve got an interesting situation which/that i would like to present to you.. oder so-
dann hier: "I read this story in the internet which happened in Austria" könnte man denken dass das internet in österreich passiert ist, schreib einfach " i read this story oder found this story in the ode ron the das weiss ich grad nich so genau internet. it was set in austria and it reads as follows: und dann die geschichte.
dann :"And if someone is hurt it is necessary if we go to the doctor" statt dem "if" ein "That".
dann :"the society we life in" we live in, aber wenn du das sagst hört man das eh nich , aber nur mal so;)
dann noch:"we do all the things which we have collected " statt collected lieber we have pointed out oder so was in der art.
und ganz am ende statt all things schreib lieber everything:)
so das wars:)

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Antwort von aysin (ehem. Mitglied) | 22.10.2008 - 16:33
ihr seit echt vollll lieb, hab mich echt gefreut!Dankeeeeeeeee!:=) ich hoffe ich bekomme ne gute Note:=)
Grüße mery

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