Englisch Kontrolle
Frage: Englisch Kontrolle(14 Antworten)
Der Text soll in simple present Vergangenheit und in indirect speech sein. The presenter ask Susan any question. Susan is 16 years old and she made a cosmetic surgery. when Susan finished her school she want go to train as a beatician. She has all organzided for that. If she had enough money, she has to made operated her liposuction. The cosmetic surgery was Susan boyfriend Alan idea. He has made also a cosmetic surgery on his nose. Next he made operated his ears. Dr. Jones mean he do not operated teenagers because it is too dangerous and it is to early |
GAST stellte diese Frage am 23.09.2008 - 18:37 |
Antwort von Marichenkaefer (ehem. Mitglied) | 23.09.2008 - 18:40 |
ich versuch mich ma am 1. satz bevor nachher alles falsch is^^ Is das richtig`? |
Antwort von GAST | 23.09.2008 - 18:46 |
simple present Vergangenheit und in indirect speech sein. habe ich es so geacht nach der aufagben? |
Antwort von Marichenkaefer (ehem. Mitglied) | 23.09.2008 - 18:47 |
nagut ich führs mal weiter. The question to Susan was asked by the presenter. The cosmetic surgery was made by 16-years-old Susan. "when Susan finished her school she want go to train as a beatician"=> Tut mir Leid, des weiß ich net. For that all had had organizated by her. The lospusuction operation was made by her, if she had had enough money. The idea of cosmetic surgery for Susan was came by her Boyfriend Alan. His nose was operated too. His ears were operated at next. The meaning of didn´t operated Teenager because it´s too early and dangerous was came by Dr. Jones. Ich weiß net obs war is, kA. Vielleicht erklärste nochmal ganz genau wie was verändert werden soll. LG Maria |
Antwort von Marichenkaefer (ehem. Mitglied) | 23.09.2008 - 18:48 |
Ach der Text is schon fertig? |
Antwort von GAST | 23.09.2008 - 18:50 |
ja der text ist ja fertig nutr eine konrolle ob es in simple present ist und in der indirekte rede |
Antwort von Marichenkaefer (ehem. Mitglied) | 23.09.2008 - 18:52 |
achso. Ich hab ja den Originaltext net. da weiß ich ja net, obs indirekte rede is |
Antwort von GAST | 23.09.2008 - 18:53 |
The presenter ask Susan any question. Susan is 16 years old and she made a cosmetic surgery. when Susan finished her school she want go to train as a beatician. She has all organzided for that. If she had enough money, she has to made operated her liposuction. The cosmetic surgery was Susan boyfriend Alan idea. He has made also a cosmetic surgery on his nose. Next he made operated his ears. Dr. Jones mean he do not operated teenagers because it is too dangerous and it is to early das ist ja dder text |
Antwort von Marichenkaefer (ehem. Mitglied) | 23.09.2008 - 18:54 |
versteh mich doch^^ Ich hab keinen originaltext. du musst ja einen text mit direkter rede in die indirekte rede getan haben, oder nich? |
Antwort von GAST | 23.09.2008 - 18:56 |
von eminem buch sollte ich eine zusammenfassung mit 70 wörter mchen und der text soll in simple present Vergangenheit und in indirect speech sein. |
Antwort von Marichenkaefer (ehem. Mitglied) | 23.09.2008 - 18:59 |
ja aber da is eine die net eminem heißt, und der typ auch net. also deine aufgabe und deine lösung dazu passt entweder net zamm oder ich blicks net |
Antwort von GAST | 23.09.2008 - 19:12 |
hallo zusammn, also ersta gibts keine simple present vergangenheit soweit ich weis..das würde dann simple past heißen. wenn der von dir angegeben text der bereits umgeschriebene sein soll musst du alles in die vergangenheit schreiben. beispielsweise: The presenter asked susan some (any) questions. Ouhouh da sind echt noch viele Fehler: Susan is 16 years old. She did a cosmetic surgery. ...- she wants to go to train as beatician... usw. Ich habe jetzt nich so viel zeit alles zu korrigieren, aber im grunde lässt sich sagen das du dich nochmal vergewissern solltest welche vergangenheit es sein soll. Indirect speech ist soweit okey. Good luck xD |
Antwort von GAST | 23.09.2008 - 19:15 |
The presenter asked Susan some question. Susan is 16 years old. She did a cosmetic surgery. When Susan finished her school she wants to go to train as beatician. She has all organzided for that. If she had enough money, she has to made operated her liposuction. The cosmetic surgery was Susan boyfriend Alan idea. He has made also a cosmetic surgery on his nose. Next he made operated his ears. Dr. Jones mean he do not operated teenagers because it is too dangerous and it is to early |
Antwort von C. Baerchen (ehem. Mitglied) | 23.09.2008 - 19:23 |
The presenter asks Susan any questions. Susan is 16 years old and she made a cosmetic surgery. when Susan has finished her school she wants to become beautician. She has organized everything for that. If she had enough money, she could make a liposuction. Susan`s boyfriend Alan had the idea of the cosmetic surgery. He also have had a cosmetic surgery with(?!) his nose. After that his ears were operated. Dr. Jones meant that he doesn`t operate teenagers because it is too dangerous for the too young people. versuchs mal so |
Antwort von C. Baerchen (ehem. Mitglied) | 23.09.2008 - 19:24 |
habs jetz im simple present^^ |
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