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Englisch Korrektur?:)

Frage: Englisch Korrektur?:)
(4 Antworten)

Hey Leute,
könnte jemand vllt mal über meinen Text drüberschauen?
Wäre sehr nett!

Schonmal Danke im Voraus...:)

In the foreword which has been written in 1946 by Aldous Huxley, he mentions many of his thoughts about his novel and the future of society.
As the foreword has been published 15 years after the novel, Aldous Huxley criticises some mistakes he made in the past.
He says that a savage has only two choices.
On the one hand he can live an insane life in Utopia and on the other hand he can live primitively in an Indian village.
But after 15 years he would offer a third oppurtunity. The savage could live a "normal" life which means, that science is used to improve human´s life und not that an individual has to assimilate.
“Brave New World“ contains no thougts about atom splitting, because the advancement of science is not the topic, but the advancement of science as a effect on an individual. Only the sciences of life, which can completely change the quality of life e.g. biology, psychology and physiology, are important.
The author says that nuclear power is of course a revolution, but the final and most searching revolution is the revolution of human´s minds and souls (examples for revolutionists are mentioned on page xxxiii).
Another thought of Huxley is the hope that society is capable of learning from Hiroshima as our forefathers from Magdeburg (referring to the Thirty Years´ War). Without any fatal wars, but with a change in society, resulting from the inventions through atomic energy.

But he is afraid of a new totalitarianism which can only be stopped by a popular movement towards decentralisation.
The author says that an totalitarianism which is built on violence is very inefficient and in a time of advanced technology a sin. Instead of violence the government has to use propaganda to make people believe and to trust in their system. They have to love their servitude, which can be guaranteed with a personal revolution.
Aldous Huxley names different premises to reach this aim e.g. drugs or sexual freedom.
Both are very important to compensate the decreasing political and economic freedom which results from a totalitarian system.

In the end Aldous Huxley says that this Utopia is far closer than anyone, only fifteen years ago, could have imagined and that this horror may develope within a single century.
GAST stellte diese Frage am 01.09.2008 - 14:30

Antwort von GAST | 01.09.2008 - 14:36
Also ich find den Text gut gelungen.
Hätte vielleicht bei den relativsätzen eher that verwendet...bin mir nicht so sicher ob which richtig ist,
aber ansonsten alles gut.
Könntest eventuell den letzten Satz umformuliern.
Dieses"only fifteen years ago" passt nicht dort rein, falls du es unbedingt rein tun möchtest, häng es hinten dran, aber so hört sichs einfach nur komisch an.

Antwort von GAST | 01.09.2008 - 16:26
Schonmal danke fürs feedback!
Kann jemand noch etwas dazu sagen? Wäre gut!:)


Beiträge 909
Antwort von 0_0 | 01.09.2008 - 16:41
"In the foreword which has been written in 1946 by Aldous Huxley"

Wie kommst du denn auf Present Perfect? Simple Present ist die richtige Zeit.

"he can live primitively in an Indian village.
But after 15 years"

Stilistisch schlecht, mit "but" fängt man keinen Satz an. Besser: ....,however,.....

"which means, that science is"

Kein Komma vor "that" !

Ansonsten noche viele kleine Fehler.

Stilistisch nicht so gut, deine Kommas sind meistens falsch. Im Englischen werden sehr wenige Kommas gesetzt, aber da wo du welche brauchst, machst du keine.

Antwort von GAST | 01.09.2008 - 20:31
Alles klar, vielen Dank für die Kritik!;)

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