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Frage: korrektur für eionen referat
(4 Antworten)

Hi leute, ich bin nicht so gut in Englisch und muss aber bald einen referat mündlich halten. Deswegen habe ich ihn mir mal ausformuliert, so wie ich ihn eigentlich gerne halten würde. Es wäre toll wenn ihr mal kurz drüber sehen könntet um kleine Fehler (grammatik und Zeitfehler) zu verbessern.

Bitte nicht von der länge erschrecken oder abhalten lassen

Today I want to tell you something about the book „Dead Simple“.
2. This is a short content for you.

3. “Dead Simple” was written by James Peter. He was born the 22. August 1948 in Brighton, Sussex. That is a picture of him. First he visited the Charterhouse, then the Ravensbourne Film School. He works as a film producer, screen wirter and also as a writer of crime fiction.

4. 1967 won he the Charterhouse school poetry prize. At Germany he was the “Best Crime Writer of the year” in 2005. In France he won also a prize for the book “Dead Simple”.
He has written 19 books, which are translated into 29 languages. James Peter has written superntural thrillers, spy fiction and a childrens´ novel.
Here are some examples.

5. Now, I wanto to present you some important characters for the story of “Dead Simple”. Here is a summary.

6. The main character is Roy Grace. He is 38 years old an works by the police. He is the second-youngest Detektiv Superintendent ever in the police of Sussex and joined them 19 years ago. His father has worked by the police too. Roy Grace hates guns and I want to read this part for you loud.
Roy Grace still love his dead wife Sandy and so he lives the last eight years from day to day. The reason of this love is, that she disappeared and the police never found her corpse and so he still believe that she is alive. But in the middle of the story he notice that he is interested in Cleo Morey, a forensic physician and a workmate.

7. A other important person is Michael Harrison. He is 28 years old and the story talks mostly about him, so we can say he is the importants minor character. Michael has a relationship with Ashley Harper since 6 months. He works as a property developer at his own concern. He planned extraordinary stage nights for his best friends. Really important is, that Michael are

8. Mark Warren is a friend of Michael Harrison and his buisness partner. He has a fling with Michael grilfriend Ashley.
Ashley Harper or Alexandra Huron is a confidence trickster. Ashley Harper is not her real name, but of which more later. That are the importants fact about her.
9. Glenn Branson is 31 years old and married with Ari. He has a son and a daugther, called Sammy and Remi. He is a Detective Sergeant and looks like a “drug dealer”. The short characterisation is from Roy Grace.Glenn bring Roy later to the disappearance of Michael.
The next person is Victor Bruce Delaney. He is 42 years old and a beguiler. He his the real boyfriend of Alexandra Harper. I think I could say, that he love to plague other people, ´cause he kills the husbands of Alexandra Harper after their weeding.

10. Now to the plot of the story. Without reading the book, the plot isn´t easy I think. But I would try to explain it so easily as I can.
The friends Josh Wakler, Robbo Houlihan, Luke Gearing, Pete Waring and Mark Warren plan the stage night for Michael Harrison. Mark Warren can´t join the stage night, because of a late flight. The other take Michael into a coffin with a bottle of whisky, a small flashlight and a walkie-talkie. They want to take him their for 2 hours. Josh, Luke, Pete and Robbo want to get drinking into a pub. On the way they have got a accident. All of them are dead, only Josh alives, but he dies later into the hospital without awake.
Davey, the son of a breakdown service found the other waklie-talkie on the street and take it with him.

11. As Ashely want to told about her missing fiancé, but the police thinks that Michael get could feets because of the weeding, Because Micheal are still missing after 2 days and because of the accident of his friends, the police beginn to search. They found out that a coffin is missing at the concern who Robbo has worked. So they get the suspicion of a “funeral”.
Meanwhile Michael get some anxiety states, because the water rised higher and higher.
Davey, who founds the weaklie-talkie, get in contact with Michael, who discriped his situation, but Davey don´t take Michael seriously.
Meanwhile you hear about the affair between Ashely and Mark. They both plan a homicide.

12. Roy Grace don´t believe Ashley and Mark because he don´t think that their feelings are true. Ashley order Mark to block the tubing. After that, Mark went to Michaels flat to search for a important evidence. As he didn´t find it, he think that Michael must have it, so he decided to open the coffin. But the coffin is empty.
At the same time you hear that Davey want to take Michael out of the coffin. But the police founds him dead near the empty coffin.
Mark get at the same time a packet and a call from a person who is called “Vic”. In the packet is a disembodied trigger finger of Michael. Vic blackmail him.
13. Michael sent a SMS at Ashely with following index: police and he also call the emergency telephone number. So he hope to awake the attention of the police.
Mark feels guilty about Michaels destiny and remmit the money to Vics account.After that Vic kills Mark, whilst he push him over the banister.
At the same time the police founds out, that the initials AH are related to different himicides of bridegroom after the weeding. Thats match with Ashely Harper. Now we know that Vic and Ashley are a couple.

14. The both, Vic and Alexandra, want to leave the country by plan. But the police follow them, so they change their plan. Vic and Alex want to leave the country by Michaels ship. By the car chase Vic drives into the harbour an both are dead by drowing.
The Ending I didn´t want to tell you. If the police founds Michael and if he is still alive after the only two persons who know where he is, should you read by your self.

15. Central Themes are death, because it is a crime thriller, Chaeting, bacause Alexandra cheats everyone at the story and afiars, because she has a fling with Mark and with Michael, if we see it from Vics pint of view.

16. A remarbable fact about the story is the stage night. I mean how would make a funerla for a stage night?
A nother remarkable fact is, that Ashley always can play the loving fiancée.
Also remarkable is that all the murders look like accidents or suicides and that the police haven´t a suspicion.
Vic´s faith to Alexandra, after so many “flings” is for me a remarkable fact too.

17. Now to my Recommendation. The story of „Dead Simple“ is really interesting, because you don´t know the ending until the end of the book, every time you think you understand everthing, the story turns and surprised you again, you are never really sure about your feelings about Ashley H. and Mark W., because at first you like them both, but then you sway to and fro because of their fling.
GAST stellte diese Frage am 04.05.2008 - 16:38

Beiträge 40301
Antwort von matata | 04.05.2008 - 16:54
Ich habe mir einfach einmal diesen Abschnitt herausgepickt:

The main character is Roy Grace. He is an 38 years old policeman. He is the second-youngest Detectiv Superintendent ever belonging to the police of Sussex and joined them since 19 years. His father was a policeman too. Roy Grace hates guns and I want to read this part for you loud.
Roy Grace still loves his dead wife Sandy and so he lived the last eight years from one day to the other. The reason of this love is, that she disappeared and the police never found her body and so he still believes that she is alive. But in the middle of the story he notice that he is interested in Cleo Morey, a forensic physician and a workmate.
________________________ - Team

Antwort von GAST | 04.05.2008 - 16:58
danke schon einmal für diesen teil ^^

Antwort von GAST | 04.05.2008 - 20:08
Ich würde an deiner Stelle den Author direkt am Anfang nennen:
"[...]about the book „Dead Simple" by James Peter.
First of all I want to give you some short biographical facts about the author.
3.He was born at the 22nd of august, 1948[...].
THIS is james peters picture. (oder einfach bild zeigen und sagen "here you can see him (evtl. noch "at the age of 44?!)"

bei "first he visited charterhouse etc" würde ich noch dazu sagen in welchen städten diese waren oder noch immer sind.
arbeitet er immernoch als filmproduzent etc.? ansonsten "he workED as a.."

4. in 1967 HE won the ..
he was nominated as the "best crime writer of the year" in 2005 in germany and also won this award.

5. Now I`d like to give you an explanation about the main content by starting with the most importent characters.

An other important person is Michael Harrison. He`s a 28 year old guy and the story is mostly about him, so we can say he is the most important character (was genau meinst du mit "minor" in dem zusammenhang?)

den rest vllt wann anders oder jemand anders ;)

Antwort von GAST | 04.05.2008 - 20:24
Du springst teilweise ziemlich in den Zeiten, was besonders bei 12. auffällt. "Roy Grace don´t believe Ashley and Mark because he don´t think that their feelings are true. Ashley order Mark to block the tubing. After that, Mark went to Michaels flat to search for a important evidence. As he didn´t find it, he think that Michael must have it, so he decided to open the coffin. But the coffin is empty."

Entweder alles in der Vergangenheit... dann: Roy Grace didn´t believe... und so weiter...
oder alles in der Gegenwart... dann: Roy Grace doesn`t believe

Du solltest den kompletten Text noch einmal nach der tollen Regel: "He, she, it - das `s` muss mit" nachgucken, da häufen sich die Fehler.

Dann solltest du auch noch mal überprüfen, dass `a` vor einem vokal zu `an` wird... das ist bei zwölf auch verkehrt... wenn dann muss es `an important evidence` heißen.

Bei elftens: "All of them are dead, only Josh alives, but he dies later into the hospital without awake."
Entweder: All of them are dead, only John is alive, but he dies later in the hospital. Ich bin mir nicht sicher, was du danach sagen willst... Lag er im Koma und ist nicht wieder aufgewacht?
oder du nimmst an stelle von "alives" survives...

dann sind da noch so ein paar kleine sache... bei 16. solltest du nicht 3 mal `remarkable` nehmen... vielleicht so was wie `notable` or `observable`

und dann gibt es noch ein paar schöner wendungen als `I think`..

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