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Louise Erdrich - The Bingo Palace

Beliebte Dokumente zu Louise Erdrich  - The Bingo Palace

1 Schul-Dokumente zum Thema Louise Erdrich - The Bingo Palace:

1 Dokumente zum Thema Louise Erdrich - The Bingo Palace:

Aspects of Native American experience as portrayed in Louise Erdrich’s ethnic novel „The Bingo Palace“ 1. : Introduction 2. : A short summary 3. : The game of chance – “The Bingo Palace" 4. : Job situation on a reservation 5. : The situation of women in the tribe 6. : Marriage on a reservation 6.1 : Shawnee Ray Toose and Lyman Lamartine 6.2 : Zelda Kashpaw and Xavier Toose 7. : Religion and spirituality 7.1 : Powwow 7.2 : Visions and dreams 7.3 : Supernaturalism 8. : Identity 9. : Annotations (2999 Wörter)
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